Chapter 15: The Good Guy

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Authors Note: Sorry this chapter is pretty short but, the next one will be longer I promise! It just felt like a good stopping point and I got through things pretty briefly! 

Justin wanted to make me feel better in my time of vulnerability, it is the nice guy in him but, he was not ready to forgive me, which I guess I can live with. I fucked up, I don't deserve his forgiveness and I'm starting to understand why. I was stupid to think reading that story would fix everything, my problems go so much further than confessing I actually have feelings for someone. I hurt people, it's what I do, and Justin did not deserve to be hurt by me.

It is Friday night now, I'm curled up on my couch, a pile of blankets covering my cold skin, and I'm alone. My parents went on a date with each other, celebrating the close of a big case, they know something was up with me and didn't want to leave me alone tonight but, it was their tradition to go on a nice date after a case was closed. I have been so selfish lately and I didn't want to take that tradition from them too.

I switch on Netflix and scroll through the movies until I find Ferris Bueller's Day Off and turn it on, hoping it would make me feel better. About 20 minutes into the movie I get a text from Sam asking if I was home, I quickly replied yes and went back to watching the movie. 10 minutes later I hear a knock on the door and assuming it was Sam I yelled for her to just come in.

"Ferris Bueller's Day Off isn't really the kind of movie I thought you would be into," his voice comes from behind me, causing me to jump off of the couch.

"What.. why..." I manage to get out before coming to a realization, "Dammit Sam."

"Loss of words too, that is also a first," he steps closer to me, pulling me into a tight hug, my arms wrap tightly around his shoulders and a breathe a sigh of relief.

"Why are you here Justin?" I ask, pulling away from his hug, I need to know because I hope he is finally forgiving me.

"Blythe, I miss you so much. It has been so hard because I like you so fucking much and I know you say you like me too but, for how long? Until you are bored? Until your commitment issues can't be bottled up any longer? Until you get me to have sex with you?" he says, his words stung a little bit, I knew they were justified, if things were reversed I would be thinking the same things.

"Honestly, I don't know how long. But, I can guarantee that the feelings I feel for you are so much more than feelings I can just get bored of and they sure as hell go way further than sex. As for commitment related issues, we would just really have to work on it," I state before adding, "do you think you could trust me in a relationship?"

"Blythe, I trust you so much more than I should. It doesn't scare me at all that you know all of my most vulnerable memories, or that I want you to know every single thing about me," he states so plainly that it takes me a few seconds to fully comprehend what he's saying to me. Without thinking, I get up on my tiptoes and kiss him gently on the lips before pulling away. Before my face can get away from him, he pulls me back to him and presses his lips against mine for a short, loving kiss.

"So what now?" I ask my face flushing red. I'm honestly so embarrassed, I don't even know what to do now.

"Well Blythe," he starts giving me a cheeky smile, "I think this means you have got yourself a boyfriend." I smile up at him before dragging him down to the couch, snuggling up with him. We spend the rest of the night watching movies and talking. My heart was entirely happy and I hope that never changes.

When my parents finally return home Justin is long gone, I tried to ask him to spend the night with me but, he refused. My mom sits down on the couch, in the same spot where Justin's warm body used to be and pulls me into a tight hug. We stay like that for a while before she quietly asks, "What is going on with you sweetheart?"

Without hesitation, I tell her everything that has been going on in the last month or so, of course leaving out all the sex bits because she honestly doesn't need to know that. I told her all about Justin and how much I care for him, how much I am afraid of this relationship with him, and how excited I am to finally be with him. I could tell my mom was confused about my issues with dating, I know she doesn't understand that her work sometimes doesn't allow her and dad to be emotionally available to me, and some of that has turned me off to human emotions. She is such a wonderful person but, she has not always been the most wonderful mother.

"Sweetheart, I am so sorry. Your father and I don't always realize how crazy our work schedules truly are and I promise I will try harder with you. I can tell you really like this boy, don't mess it up," she says with a slight giggle. We say our goodnights and I head to bed.

My life finally feels like things are getting good. My parents are making a bigger effort with me, I am able to say yes to being someone girlfriend, and I am not completely and totally freaked out. I hope it lasts because I never want these feelings going away. 

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