Chapter 10: The Party-Night One

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**authors note**
Sorry it's not the longest chapter but I had some down time on my trip and wanted to do an update!! Enjoy!
I wake up Friday morning with a huge smile on my face, the parentals are leaving today, which means it's time to throw the best party of my high school life. I bet you are wondering how a bunch of high school seniors are going to get the alcohol to support a party like this. Well, remember my dear friend Sam, she has a brother who is 22 and will basically provide enough alcohol to get an entire zoo drunk if it means he can party and hook up with dumb high school girls. Pathetic I know but, there comes a time and a place for judgement and it sure isn't when we were asking him to provide the booze.
Once the alcohol is taken care of, all I need to do is get through school and take my lovely parents to the airport to see them off. Surprisingly the school part was fine. When I was walking down the halls this morning I could hear the whispers about my party coming up and couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face. Classes when by quickly and no one was dickish like they normally can be, I think it helps when I am the one hosting the party. Getting my parents to leave ended up being the difficult part. My mom was so worried to leave me, which was odd because they have never seemed to have an issue with is before, it's not like this is the first time Margo has done something like this. From my knowledge, it has happened multiple times since I was old enough to remember, it just hasn't happened in a few years so maybe that is why. After about 20 minutes of my mom making excuses of why they shouldn't go to Margo's my dad and I finally got her into the car. The drive to the airport was filled with my moms endless list of things I needed to do around the house, things I do even when she was around, so the list was pretty damn pointless.
The clock on my phone shows 10 o'clock, which is prime party time, there is already about 15 people in my house, mostly close friends. The music is already playing, the alcohol is ready to be drank, and the night is ready to start. Within a few minutes a bunch of people arrive at the door and within 30 minutes the party is at full swing. My relatively small house is packed wall to wall with people, some playing drinking games at the different tables and other dancing around with each other, me included.
My body is swaying to the music as I hold hands with Sam, laughing at our horrible dance moves. We continue dancing like idiots when I feel an arm slink around my waist, pulling me flat again their body. Sam looks at me oldly and mouths 'Peter', prompting me to push away from him.
"Oh come on Blythe," he says, "we are just dancing."
"I don't want to dance with you," I snarl back.
"For the school slut you really can be a damn prude," he snaps back before walking off, most likely to find another victim. I roll my eyes not letting his stupid comments ruin my wonderful night.
I walk off to the kitchen to get Sam and I another drink, we aren't nearly drunk enough! Once in the kitchen, I grab 2 cups and start pouring a couple of shots of vodka in each before topping it off with sprite. I can feel his eyes on me, he's been staring at me since I walked into the kitchen. I don't blame him, I put in the extra effort tonight. I had my long hair falling down my shoulders, my favorite party shirt on, it's mostly backless, having one piece of fabric holding around my waist and another around my neck, paired with a pair of tight black jeans with holes in the knees and my favorite pair of black vans. The outfit was simple but, sexy.
"You do know it isn't polite to stare," I say without turning my head toward him.
"So you can feel me staring, I bet you feel people staring at you all the time," I can hear the smirk in his voice, "you look great my friend."
I finally turn toward him, his shaggy, long hair is perfectly disheveled, he's wearing a black T-shirt and black jeans, a good look for him actually, "you look good too, Justin," his face goes a little red, "come dance with me and Sam." He nods his head yes.
We get to the dance floor and I hand Sam her drink before we all again start dancing like fools. It doesn't take long before I move my body in front of Justin's, giving permission to grind with me. He takes the bait willingly, placing his hands on my waist, pulling my body right against his. I grind my ass against him, feeling his cock start to harden. A smile spreads across my face, I love how easily I can turn him on, it really does something to me.
After about 45 minutes of dancing I pull Justin to the front door and we collapse on the porch together.
"Why did we stop dancing," Justin whines.
"I think you needed a break," I reply, looking down at his large erection, a big red, blush spread across his cheeks, "you are big, aren't you?" I say placing my hand on his upper thigh.
"I think this conversation should end," he says with a small smile, "we are just friends now, remember."
Unfortunately, I do.
"Do most 'friends' dance like that together?" I push, I want him to admit that he doesn't want to be just friends with me. I like having this strange power over him. I don't remove my hand from his thigh.
"Blythe, you are drunk," he says shaking his head. "You can lie all you want but, your body can't." I say, moving my hand up his thigh as he stiffens at my touch.
"You are so difficult."
"Tell me you don't want this and I will leave."
"I do not want this," he says voice wavering a little.
So I do the only logical thing, I stand up slowly and walk back into the party. Yes I was drunk but, I'm perfectly capable of understanding a no. And the only reason his rejection didn't hurt me is because I knew, I heard it in his voice, he wanted me.
The rest of the night went by perfectly, no drama, no fighting, just plain old good, drunken fun. The last thing I remember before passing out on the bed with Sam was us making a plan of having party number 2 tomorrow night.

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