Chapter 7: The Hero

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"I have decided," I yell over of the booming music, "I am forever giving up men!"

"Blythe it wasn't that bad, it's been almost a week and no one is talking about it anymore!" Kyle yells back at me while handing me a cup full of beer. I crinkle my nose at the smell of the cheap beer but, take the cup anyway and chug it down. It was Friday night and one of the guys on the lacrosse team was throwing a huge party, I think it was a party for one of the guys on the team but, I'm not even sure. It has been a few days since the Mason incident and let me tell you news travels fast, I'm pretty sure about 75% of the school knew about it that day. All I wanted to do was forget, which is why I'm at this stupid party in the first place.

"Are you going to become a lesbian? Cause as your best friend I would support you always!" Sam yells joining our conversation.

"No, no! I love girls, they are great and all but, vaginas scare the crap out of me," I reply, earning a hard laugh from Kyle, "Casual sex queen is just on a break, at least from boys at our school."

Once our conversation is over, I take Sam and Kyle's hand and drag them to the dance floor, drunk me loves to dance. We all start dancing to the beat of the music, acting like complete fools and laughing hysterically at each other. Our dancing as a group quickly fades away as Kyle pulls Sam close to his body and they start grinding on each other. I take a few steps away and scan the room for someone new to hang out with, I know almost everyone at this party but, for the most part, I don't want to hang out with any of them. I stop scanning when I see a long-haired boy with a red-haired girl clinging to his arm. Justin.

I make my way over to his location across and room but, I'm stopped by a boy with a bottle of vodka in his hands, "Want a swig?"

"Hell yea!" I say taking the bottle from him and sucking down two big gulps, "thanks," I say with a sweet smile, handing back his bottle and continuing on my way.

"JUSTIN!" I yell excitedly when I'm within a few feet from him. I walk right up to him and throw my arms around his neck pulling him in for a hug.

"Blythe, how much have you had to drink?" he replies while holding my waist.

"Just enough! Oh, hi Heather!" I say giving her a small hug, "good to see you!"

"Uh hi," she replies before her mouth forms a cruel looking smile, "where is Mason tonight?"

"Heather stop," Justin says sternly.

"I'm fine Justin," I say with a hiccup, before returning my gaze to Heather, "he's probably at home sulking because he couldn't even satisfy the easiest girl at Pacific Northwest." I hiccup again and stumble a little.

"Blythe I think I should get you home," Justin says, worry easily recognizable in his eyes. He doesn't wait for my response but, instead pulls me to the front door leaving Heather alone with no explanation.

Justin carefully gets me into his car and drives me to my house, I have to give him a few directions along the way, which I am amazed I could even do. Other than that the car ride was mostly silent. Once we pull up to my house I step out of the car not expecting him to follow me but, he does leading me all the way to my front door.

"Do you wanna come inside?" I ask as he was about to turn and walk to his car.

"Would that be ok?"

"I don't want to be alone while I'm drunk," his eyebrows raise at me, "it gets boring." I continue with a duh tone so he doesn't get the wrong idea.

"Okay, fine I will come in.' He says. I open the door and lead both of us upstairs to my room. I can feel all of Justin's energy and he seems nervous like I'm leading him to his death or something weird like that. But, once I close my door, I too begin to get nervous. Last time we were alone, I made very questionable choices.

"I'm gunna take a quick shower, you can just chill on my bed."

"I don't think you taking a shower is a good idea, what if you pass out?"

"Well I'll tell you what, you can watch me in the shower to make sure I don't," I can see him stiffen, "don't worry I remember our deal, I won't get naked unless you ask, I'll take a shower in my bikini, if that makes you feel better!" He gives me a nod and I walk into my closet to throw my bikini on, stepping back out into the room.

"I will leave the door to the bathroom open, I'll be like 10 minutes max." I quickly jump into the shower, the water instantly making me feel more sober. Once I feel sufficiently clean I step out of the shower and peel my bathing suit off and wrapping a towel around me. I step out into my bedroom and see Justin slowly lift his gaze to me. His eyes darken a little and his cheeks go rosy red before he turns his head back down avoiding any eye contact with me at all. I take a few steps toward him and reach out to touch his face, I want him to look at me.

"Jesus Blythe," he huffs, at first I think he's mad at me, "Do you have any idea the kinds of effects you have on me?" And I do, I do with most men, I have studied them and know it all too well. I take a step back from him, knowing what I am doing is wrong but, before I can get far enough away he reaches out and grabs my arm, "You are fucking beautiful."

"Justin, just ask," I say breathlessly, my grip loosening on my towel.

"I can't." That's all I needed to hear, I gently pull my arm away from him and walk into my closet, closing the door behind me. I slowly get dressed in my PJs, hoping that by the time I return to the bedroom he would be gone.

When I step out of the closet I'm surprised to still see him sitting on my bed in the same spot. I slowly walk over to him and sit next to him, our arms touching and neither of us speaking. I'm not sure how long we were like that but, Justin breaks the silence a little while after.

"Should I go?"

"I wish you wouldn't," I say honestly.

"Ok, I will stay."

"Do you want something to sleep in?" I ask.

"Are my boxers fine?" He replies and I nod at him.

I crawl into my bed and tap the empty side, signaling for Justin to join me. He strips off his shirt and jeans before joining me in bed. "Thank you," I whisper to him.

"You are very welcome, I know you had a shit week," he replies and I reach over grabbing his arm, pulling him closer to me, until we are spooning.

"Is this ok?" I ask, hoping it is because I was finding I loved the way cuddling with him felt.

"Of course," he says before kissing my head and whispering good night. Within minutes I was fast asleep, all of my rules now out the window, I had a guy actually sleeping with me overnight.

Boy, oh boy, what was this guy doing to me?

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