Chapter 11: The Party-Night Two

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It's the next morning, Sam, Kyle and I are all piled on my bed together slowly waking up and talking about the amazing night. The three of us look absolutely horrible, Sam and I have black make-up smeared around our eyes, and Sam and Kyle having matching lipstick smeared around their mouths.

"You guys wanna go get breakfast at Pauls?" I ask while shading my eyes from the sun shining into my room.

"Greasy food sounds amazing right now!" Sam smiles while Kyle just nods his head yes.

We head down to Pauls and have a quick breakfast while deciding on the plan for the party tonight. We decide that it's best to just have a small party, maybe like ten to fifteen people, because the next morning we will have to do lots of cleaning before my parents return home. The group of people we decided on was a few of the guys from our main group, minus the asshats that are Mason and Petter, a few of our other girlfriends, and Justin. I was worried about inviting him because he isn't super close with any of us but, Sam insisted that I had too.

The rest of the day goes by pretty quickly, mostly relaxing and sleeping so we are ready for tonight! Once it is about 8 PM, Sam and I start getting ready. I dig in my closet and slip on my white lace lingerie bodysuit, with a sheer black long sleeve shirt over it, tucked into a pair of black high-waisted shorts. I complete the outfit with a western style belt and a pair of black ankle booties.

"How does this look?" I step out of the closet and do a little spin for Sam.

"Blythe! You are such a babe," Sam squeals, "why don't you wear shit like this more often!"

"People already call me a slut so, I never see a lot of reason to dress provocatively," I laugh at the question. Sam styles my hair in a loose cascading braid that falls down my back, with the wispy parts of my hair falling around my face. It's simple and cute and adds a great touch to my entire outfit.

Within the hour everyone who was invited to the kickback has shown up, except for Justin, and I'm a little afraid that he won't show up. We are all yelling and screaming over an intense game of rage cage. At the moment Sam is stuck in the 'cage' with Kyle and I tag-teaming to keep her there. she has already been stacked about 5 times and I can tell she doesn't want to have to drink another cup of beer. I decide to be nice and miss the cup so she doesn't have to drink again. The game ends soon after that with Sam taking her power back and stacking Kyle, leaving him with the losing bitch cup.

"Let's play truth or dare!" A girl that one of Kyle's friends brought along yells over the music. Most people seem to agree with her and we all take a seat in the living room. I hate that this is the game that everyone wants to play, it seems so childish, and the only thing people ever get dared to do end up being sexual. As the game is about to start the front door opens and Justin walks in. He's wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt, his long, shaggy hair is the same as always, slightly disheveled but, still looking great.

"Just in time," I smile at him, not ashamed that I just shamelessly checked him out, "we are playing truth or dare." The game seems much more intriguing to me now that he is here. Justin smiles at me and nods his head before taking a seat across the living room. I can see him staring at me and I know he is checking me out, and I like it.

I'm lost in thought staring at him when I hear Sam clear her throat and say, "Blythe, it's your party, you get to be asked first," she has an evil smirk spread across her face as she says, "Truth or dare?"

I weigh my options, knowing one way or another it's going to revolve around Justin because that is just who Sam is. The truth could be dangerous because she will ask about my feelings for him and I don't want to have to deal with that. So instead I sigh and say, "Dare."

Sam's smirk grows bigger, resulting in a full blown smile as she says, "I dare you to give Justin a lap dance." A slight choking noise escapes Justin's lips before he starts coughing, clearly surprised by Sam's dare.

I stand up slowly and walk over to where Justin is stiffly sitting. I can see from here that he is nervous and it makes me smile, I lean in close to him and whisper in his ear, "Just relax."

I run my hand from his neck, down his torso, and to his thigh. I smile at his nervousness before straddling him and grinding my hips down on him. I run my hands up and down his neck and torso as I continue rhythmically grinding my hips down on him. I can see him start to harden under me and that only makes me grind harder.

He tucks his head into my neck while moaning, "fuck" into it. I pull my head away from him and look him in the eyes, so much lust was filling them and it was driving me crazy. He brings his hands up and cups my face before smashing his lips to mine. I was lost in his lips, he kissed me hard and deeply, clearly having a need to be in control.

"Um, excuse me, no kissing during a lap dance." I hear Sam say. I jump off of Justin, forgetting that other people were even in the room with us. I look down at Justin and see his face is bright red, I extend my hand out to him and he takes it willingly before I drag him upstairs and to my room.

Justin pulls me into my room, a place in my house he is now kinda familiar with. He pulls me into a hug and whispers into my ear, "You drive me crazy," hesitating before adding, "friend."

I pull back from him quickly, did he just say what I think he did. He's still going to just say friend, after the moment we just had. I'm so confused, and I know it's mostly my fault, I'm the one that is keeping us just friends. But, why can't this stubborn guy just admit that he doesn't want to be my friend and instead want to be more?

"Justin," I start, pulling him close, "please, kiss me." He looks shocked at what I'm asking like he can't see it in my face that I'm dying for him to be intimate with me. He closes the space between us leaving a deep lingering kiss on my lips before pulling away and walking out of my bedroom door. God, I want him so bad, I want to feel him inside of me, I want his body close to mine but, I know that it can never happen because he needs more than a fuck buddy, and I can't be that. I will always just be the dumb slut that needs a boys' body but, doesn't want the brain that goes with it. 

I slowly head back downstairs and try to enjoy the rest of the kickback. I feel numb, I'm so conflicted and it weird, I can't even focus on the fun that is happening around me. Everyone's laughing and having a good time but, my laugh is fake and my mind is a thousand miles away. This boy is going to be the end of me and I know it. 

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