Chapter 16: The Next Step

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I wake up the next morning, the smile I had on last night still plastered on my face, I didn't know I could be this happy. I flip over onto my stomach and reach to my phone sitting on my bedside table, the clock on my phone reads 8:30 AM and my notification center shows an unread text from Justin.

Good morning Blythe. A smile spreads across my face as I read the message. Instead of messaging him back I click on the info icon next to his name on my phone and press the facetime button. It rings a few times as I check my appearance in the small square with my picture in it, thankfully I don't look horrible. I realize that the phone had stopped ringing and my eyes lock with Justin's tired looking face on my phone screen.

"Good morning Justin," I whisper to him, taking in his appearance. His hair is slightly disheveled, he has slight rings under his eyes, a huge smile on his face and his shirtless body pecking through on the screen occasionally.

"You look so happy," he says with a slight laugh, his voice slightly raspier than normal.

"I am happy, you make me happy."

"What are your plans today?" he asks, sitting up on his bed.

"I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner with me and my parents," I say slightly fast, I didn't want to freak him out.

"Are you serious?" he asks, his voice staying cool and collected, leaving me feeling the exact opposite. I search his face through my phone screen, seeing if I can find any hints of him internally freaking out.

"Y-ya," I say back, my voice starting to tremble, "is this too much? Should I not have asked?"

A loud laugh booms out of my phone speakers, sending an echo throughout my still room, "Blythe, it would make me so happy to officially meet your parents as your boyfriend."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, an even bigger smile taking over my face, "great come over at 4!"

I hang up the phone with him and happily run down the stairs, I make my way into the kitchen and am shocked when I don't see my mother drinking her usual cup of coffee. I walk over to the office and don't see either of them working away either. No, they can't do this to me now, it's been literally less than 24 hours since I had the conversation with my mom about them never being around. Do I really mean that little to them? I'm about to pull out my phone and call Justin back to tell him the plan is off when I see two figures sitting together on our back porch. I walk over to the door and open it, revealing my parents sitting, holding hands and laughing with each other. I haven't seen them this relaxed and happy in a while, maybe I didn't realize it but, when I was acting out they sensed my negative energy even though they didn't see the acts that accompanied it.

"Mom, dad," I squeak out, not wanting to ruin the moment, "Do you guys have plans tonight?"

They both turn their heads to me, my dad shaking his head no while my mom replies, "Thought about just having a nice family night."

"Well would you mind if our family night included an extra person," I ask, both of my parents look at me confused, so I continue, "my boyfriend, Justin."

"YES! YES!" my mom almost screams, while my dad stares at me, seeming a little confused.

"You have a boyfriend?"

"Ya, dad, I do."

"Oh this is going to be fun!" he says playfully, a large smile taking over his face. I shake my head and explain the plan for the night to my parents. My mom quickly runs over to the grocery store to pick up a few things to make dinner. My dad insists that the both of us spend the rest of the morning cleaning our house to make it acceptable for the boy, he didn't really need to know that the boy was here last night.

The afternoon goes by extremely fast and I'm honestly starting to get a little nervous. Justin will be here literally any moment and pings of anxiety are rising up within me. My parents could sense it and I think they are enjoying seeing me this way, maybe it shows them that their normally heartless daughter does indeed have feelings. A loud knock on the door pulls me out of my mini anxiety attack. I walk over to the door, open it and am immediately taken back by the beautiful guy standing in front of me. Justin has on a navy blue button down shirt with darker grey jeans, his long hair is neater than normal and his face has a giant smile plastered on it.

"Are you just going to stair all night, or invite me in," Justin asks in a playful tone, earning an eye roll from me. I pull on his collar, bring his face down to mine and peck him on the lips before dragging him into the house.

"Mom, dad, this is Justin," I say with a cheeky smile spread across my face, "Justin these are my parents." My mom pulls Justin into a tight hug and my dad does the awkward bro nod and handshake with him.

We all spend about the next hour or so talking, mostly consisting of my parents grilling Justin on his life golf, which again is much better than mine. Justin, being just the best guy there could be, was holding up so well to the constant firing of questions coming from my dad in particular. It made my heart flutter seeing them get along so well, talking about sports, music, hobbies, and life in general.

When we were finally called for dinner, the conversations just got better. My parents told him the most embarrassing stories of me, they told him the stories of their jobs, the fun ones that made me want to someday be a lawyer, and they bonded over the love of a band called Counting Crows. My heart was full, I was happy and in these moments I knew 100 percent that I loved this boy more than anything.

When dinner was over, I asked my mom if it would be ok to steal Justin away and take him into the backyard. Of course, being my mother, she agreed. I needed to tell him how I felt. I pulled Justin away from the dining room table and out the back door to the porch. We stand on the porch for a little, admiring the way the world looked around us and the feelings inside of our chests, I didn't want to interrupt the moment but, I needed to.

"Justin," I call out, pulling him away from his thoughts and bringing his attention back to me, "I love you."

Silence. Nothing. He is just staring at me. No words, no emotions in his eyes, he is blank. I poke his chest, trying to bring this boy back to Earth.

"Sorry," he manages to say, "I think I just hallucinated."

"Why because you heard me say that I love you," I smile up at him.

"You actually said that I wasn't hearing things," he whispers back.

I take his cheek in my hand and look him directly in the eyes, "I love you."

"I love you," he whispers back before smashing his lips down to mine, the kiss feeling different than other ones, the feels were making it different. And it only made me love him more.  

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