Chapter 12: The Lock-In: Part One

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It's been a week since I had my party and honestly, it has been kind of a strange one. Justin and I had a portion of our main project due today and working on it with him this entire week has been extremely awkward. We didn't talk like we normally do, it was literally all work and no play, I tried to crack jokes and he didn't even smile. It had never been like this between us and I so desperately want it to go back to normal. And boy do I have a plan.

Tonight is the senior lock-in, a tradition at PNP where all the seniors gather together at school and get 'locked' in the building for the entire night. In the past it was a night of watching funny movies and making memories with fellow students but, in the last couple of years, the lock in has become a literal fuck fest. I mean it's still all about making memories when you aren't having sex the night is filled with laughs and smiles as we make memories of our last year together. My plan is to get Justin alone with me so I can talk to him and hopefully get us back on the friend track. Honestly, I miss just being his friend so much.

Sam, Kyle and I are currently crashed on my couch taking a nap before the night begins, it's pretty typical that during the senior lock-in no one gets any sleep at all. I told Sam and Kyle about the plan earlier and they think that it will help the two of us figure our shit out. And as Sam lovingly states, helping me stop moping around like a little bitch. God, she's horrible but, that is why she is my best friend.

It's about time for the senior lock-in to start, Sam, Kyle and I are in the car driving to school, and I have to be honest, I kinda feel scared. What is my plan doesn't work and it somehow makes everything worse, or I royally screw up and let it slip how I actually feel. I step into the hallway of the school and start to have a mini panic attack. My God what has happened to me, I used to be a tough badass and now I'm having a panic attack over a simple plan? I'm a fucking mess.

The lock-in has been going on for about an hour now. Sam and I are sitting against the wall in the hallway, laughing hysterically at the guys as they try to figure out which one of them is the manliest. AKA they are wrestling and it's all horrible but, extremely entertaining. I see Justin hanging out with his Lacrosse teammates down the hall and decide that it is now or never. I stand up, giving Sam's thigh a little squeeze, silently asking her to wish me luck and walk down to confront him.

I'm standing by his teammates when I say, "Justin, can I borrow you for a second?" His teammates let out a chuckle before a round of ohs goes around like Justin and I are going to go hookup or something.

"Uh, ya I guess," he says rubbing the back of his neck. I stick my hand out and he grabs ahold of it as I lead him to an empty classroom. Once in the classroom, I hop onto the teacher's desk, sitting with my legs crossed and Justin joins me.

After a few moments of awkward silence, I ask, "What's going on Justin?"

"Nothing," he states, clearly trying to be casual.

"I know you well enough to know it's not nothing."

"You confuse me, Blythe," he finally states and I just stare at him until he finally continues, "You kiss me and it's not just any kiss, it is an intense kiss. Almost like you physically are craving it but, you won't date me. You say you can't but, your body says something completely different."

"I don't know what to say, it is just who I am," I start feeling a little frustrated, "and if I remember correctly you are the one pushing the 'just friends' deal pretty hard."

"God Blythe, are you stupid?" he yells clearly upset with me, "I don't want to be just friends with you! I want an actual relationship, not one that just means hooking up. I want a relationship with you that lets me truly get to know you, gets to be intimate, outside of sex, with you, and one that would lead to finding love with you. Why is it so hard for you to understand that I don't want to be just friends?" The last part almost comes out as a whisper.

"Friends is the only thing I have to offer you. You don't want anything else with me I promise," I sigh shaking my head, "I'm not someone you would want more with. My life is not sunshine and rainbows, I'm messed up and you can't like that. You can't like me."

"No, fuck that, you don't get to tell me what I can and can not like. That is something only I get to decide," he yells jumping up off of the desk, "why can't you just see what you mean to me," he says quietly while cupping my cheeks in his hands, his face so close to mine. My mind is going wild, the things he is saying to me are probably the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me.

Without thinking I press my lips to his. He kisses me back gently before the passion takes over and his kiss become hungry and hard as he pushes his body up against mine. As we make out his hands roam my body and I find myself doing the same. I find some extra courage and slide my hand down his stomach to the front of his pants, where my fingers meet a slight bulge. I rub his through his pants and fell him moan against my lips. His dick is now fully erect and I can't fight myself anymore, I slide my other hand down to his pants and start fiddling with his belt.

I need him, I need him inside of me.

My hands finally get his belt undone and I move on to the button and zipper. At that moment, Justin pulls away from me, looking down at me as I stare dumbfoundedly at him. I know why he pulled away but, I need him.

"Justin," I coo, "have sex with me."

"Be in a relationship with me," he states back, hope glowing in his eyes.

"No." My brain was going 100 miles a minute, he just told me he liked me and I panicked. The only defense mechanism I have in this situation is sex and that exactly what I was using.

"No?" he says looking slightly surprised.

"I'll say it again, I do not do relationships."

"But, you would still try to fuck me knowing very well how I feel about you." he spits out, venom spilling from his mouth.

"Justin, you have to understand, that is who I am."

"Then maybe that day we went to the beach house I was wrong." he sighs.

"What do you mean?" I asked, generally confused about what he is trying to get at.

"You are just a slut," he replies slowly, each word hitting me harder than the last. He takes one look at me before storming out of the room.

I have no idea how long it has been but, I'm still in the same spot on the desk in the empty classroom. My brain is on overdrive and I have no idea how to stop it. That is until Mason wonders into the classroom and walks over to me. And I make the millionth mistake of my life, continuing the new tradition of senior lock-in, I fuck Mason on the desk in the empty classroom where I had just let the perfect boy slip through my stupid fingers.

You are just a slut.

Well, you know what Justin, maybe I am. 

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