Chapter 13: The Lock-In: Part Two

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Mason slowly pulls off of me as he finishes, looking down at me he plants a kiss on my neck before getting up, straightening his clothes out and walking out of the door. I'm paralyzed in the position he left me in, bent over the desk with my jeans around my ankles. I can't get myself to get up and all I can physically do is cry. When I finally feel as if I can move again, I pull my pants up, tears still flowing down my face.

Being called a slut, though only a few people have called me it to my face, has seriously never bugged me before. I was completely and totally ok with being one, I like sex and for fuck sakes, there is not a damn thing wrong with that. I am always safe with it and I take extra precautions with who I am willing to do it with. But, hearing those words come out of Justin's mouth hurt. They hurt because I didn't want him to see me like that. Why do I let myself care, it never works out for me.

I finally find the courage to leave this stupid classroom and hopefully salvage the rest of this horrible night. I walk out of the class and instantly spot Sam, talking and laughing with our group of friends, I rush over to her and pull her into a tight hug.

"Hey Blythe," she whispers into my hair, "what's going on?"

"I just need my best friend," I say, tears starting to fill my eyes again. She pulls away from me and looks at my face, clearly seeing the tears that are welling up. She takes my arm and pulls me to the exit of the hall, where one of the teachers is standing guard.

"We have an emergency and need to leave," Sam says cooly to the teacher.

"To leave early, we have to call your parents so they know they should be expecting you home," he says in a bored tone, he probably hates this job.

"Look, sir," I say realizing I don't know his name, "I really need to fucking get out of this godforsaken building or I will have a full blown mental break down. So, if you want to be the sole purpose an eighteen-year-old girl has a freak out be my guest and don't let me leave. But, I promise I will make the rest of the night a living hell for you unless you open up that fucking door."

He stares at me, shell shocked that a student would talk to him like that. He looks as if he's about to say something back to me but, thinks twice about it and instead opens up the door, letting the both of us leave.

Sam and I make it to my house in record time and head right up to my room. Of course, my parents don't even realize we are home way before we are supposed to be.

"Blythe, tell me what is going on," Sam says giving me a small smile. Without hesitation, I explain everything to her, from the first night at Pauls, to the first kiss at the beach house, to the night we spent together and finally to the shit that happened tonight. The entire time she just nodded along with the things I had to say and when I finished talking she pulled me into a tight hug.

"Damn, I honestly never thought I would say this to you but, you have got it bad."

"What do you mean," I ask tilting my head at her.

"God, you are so dense sometimes! You obviously fucking like him a lot."

"I know," I state while smiling at her but, it instantly fades when I remember everything, "But, I can't. He deserves someone 100 times better than me, he deserves someone that will be able to commit to him and to love him."

"Blythe, at some point you are going to have to forget the past and move on," she smiles weakly at me, "I have been your best friend for so long and let me tell you, you are someone who is so deserving of the best possible love. You think of everyone else before you think about yourself, you give your entire heart to everyone close to you and you don't even realize it. I know things like this are hard for you but, you have committed years of love to me and never second-guessed it. Best friends are also capable of breaking your heart, just remember that."

"I just don't know what to do. I think I've ruined everything and I am not good at fixing things. I need him in my life but, if I let him in and mess it up then I won't have him."

"But, if you never try with him, you will lose him anyway." She says and I instantly know she is right.

We spend the rest of the night talking and laughing, Sam successfully making me feel one hundred times better. Before I know it I am drifting off to sleep, hoping that tomorrow I will be able to solve my dumb problems.

I wake up the next morning to Sam poking my face with her index finger, clearly impatient with my sleeping inhabits. I try to fight off the poking by burying my head deeper into my soft pillow. I don't want to get up because I know Sam is going to make me figure things out with Justin and I'm just not sure that I have the energy to do that today, can't I just wait a few days longer.

"Justin texted you," Sam says in a sing-song voice, making me instantly shoot up from the bed and grab my phone.

"There is no text here!" I say slapping Sam's arm.

"I knew it would get you up," she says with a devilish smile, "But, you need to fix things so, I suggest you text him." I know she is right, meaning I needed to do it.

Meet me at Pauls, we need to talk. I write to him.

His reply comes quick, actually surprising me. Can't.

Justin, please. Just meet me outside of Pauls in 30.

His reply never comes but, I can't give up and I just need to hope that he shows up. I start to get ready for the day, knowing that I don't need to do much because Justin is not someone I need to dress up for. I pull on a pair of black ripped jeans and an old, oversized Red Hot Chili Peppers band t-shirt on. I fixed my hair and place a few swipes of mascara on my eyelashes.

I hop into my car and drive down to Pauls. I arrive about 10 minutes before 10 when we are supposed to meet and sit on a bench outside of the door. I say a mini prayer to myself, hoping that he will show up and I will be able to fix everything.

I'm sitting on the bench, with my phone face down beside me, I don't want to know what time it is, I'm too afraid to find out. I'm almost positive that is has been longer than 10 minutes, how much longer I'm not really sure. But, one thing I'm pretty sure about is that this boy is not showing up. I don't really blame him, I'm not sure that I would show up either but, I hoped he would.

I get enough courage and flip my phone over to check the time and my heart drops. 10:20. I got the answer I needed, Justin was not coming. I have spent most of my high school career not wanting to let a boy into my life, in fear that my heart would get broken. But, guess what, I didn't let this stupid boy in and somehow I feel like my heart is broken.

"You are still here," I hear a deep voice say. I tilt my head up from my phone to meet Justin's stormy eyes. 

The Slut and The Dork |✓Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα