Chapter 3: lying

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Okay sorry it's been a while, I've had a super busy week.


Zayn's p.o.v.

I looked down at my phone and sighed. Niall and Liam had probably left about two hours ago. I'll be honest, it hurt that Niall hadn't even said goodbye to me.

Not that I wanted him to know what I was doing when he left. I didn't want any of the boys to know. Especially Liam. He was too mature to understand why I do it.

I forced myself to trudge back up to Louis' room, knowing Harry probably needs someone, even though I'm not sure how much I can really do.

"Hey Haz," I said quietly when I entered the room.

Then I realized he wasn't in the room. It was empty except for Louis sleeping on the bed. I cringed at that thought. He's not fucking asleep he's brain dead.

I slumped down into the chair beside his bed and tried to force the tears that were threatening to fall away. It didn't work.

I wiped them away quickly and sniffed, hoping that I the time Harry came back, the evidence of crying would be gone.

"Oh Zayn," Harry said, making me jump.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he apologized quickly.

"It's fine," I assured him.

"Where were you?" he asked, sitting down next to me.

I just shrugged, not having enough energy to think of a good lie.

"Where were you?" I asked, finally breaking the silence.

Harry shrugged as well. Alright so we've both got secrets.

Harry started frowning and looking around the room. I raised one eyebrow at him, wondering what the hell he was doing.

"Does it smell like smoke to you?" he asked after a while.

"What, uh no not really," I stammered out, my heart pounding.

"I guess it's just me," he muttered.

Whew that was close. I needed to get out of here for a few minutes.

"I'm gonna go get some food, you want some?" I offered.

"I'm not hungry," he shook his head, not looking at me.

"Harry I haven't seen you eat in days," I sighed.

"I don't feel good is all," he said quietly.

"Are you sure, I think you've lost some weight, your collar bones are sticking out," I told him, pointing my finger at him sternly. He just shook his head.

"Alright, I'll be back," I huffed.

"Okay," he said, pulling at the sleeves of his hoodie awkwardly.

Why is he even wearing a hoodie? It's hot outside. And inside for that matter. the hospital doesn't have good air conditioning.

God he even looks too warm. His cheeks are flushed and he's kind of sweaty. Maybe he's getting sick, he said he didn't feel well.

I walked down to the cafeteria and bought myself a sandwich and a bag of chips, in case Harry decided he wanted some food after all.

On the way back to the room I got a text from Liam and then another from Niall.

'Just got here, I'm staying tonight to help Niall get comfortable, be back by lunch tomorrow' Liam's message read.

'I'm sorry I didn't say bye before I left I was just in a really bad mood. I really was planning to call you on the way up but I fell asleep' Niall's said.

I smiled at the message. That made me feel a little better. even though it's highly likely that Liam sent both of those messages, which is why I decided not to reply to either one.

When I got back to the room, Harry was curled up in the chair I had been sitting in, holding Lou's hand, fast asleep.

I sat down next to him, being extra careful to open my sandwich and chips quietly, so as to not wake him up. He doesn't really sleep much.

You can see the dark bags under his eyes all the time that never go away anymore. He needs as much sleep as he can get and I'm not about to disturb it.

All of a sudden, I was hit with like a metaphorical bus of emotions. Like literally out of the blue I just started crying.

I really miss the way things used to be. I miss performing, doing interviews, meeting fans, hanging out with the boys, and I just miss the band.

I don't even feel like we're one direction anymore. Niall thinks we all hate him, and maybe Harry does, Louis is in unstable condition and has been for two weeks, and none of us are ever fucking happy.

Modest even stopped calling us. They don't care anymore. I'm pretty sure they think that Louis is going to die and we're all going to shoot ourselves out of depression or something.

Once I finally calmed myself down, I realized how exhausted I really was. I guess I haven't really been sleeping either.

So I scooted over closer to Harry, wrapped my arms around him, and fell asleep holding him, something I hadn't done in a long long time.


Any guesses on what Zayn and Harry's secrets are? I think I made one of them pretty obvious.

Oh and please keep voting guys, I don't have very many.

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