Chapter 15: story

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Okay here's the next chapter. I think I'll update again tonight or tomorrow.


Nialls p.o.v.

"And then I slammed the ball on the ground, cause I'd missed the shot, you know, and it came right back and nailed me in the face," I told the story with exaggerated hand motions.

"Are you serious? Of course you would," Tessa laughed, slapping her hand down on my bed.

We laughed for a while, until we'd both calmed down enough to talk again.

"I don't really have many funny stories, or I'd tell one," she said, suddenly getting serious.

"That's awful! Laughing is the best part of life," I said, surprising myself with such a deep statement. Being with Tessa did things like that to me.

"That's why it's a good thing we're friends," she smiled. Then the smile faded. "We are friends right?" she asked.

"Of course T," I assured her, grabbing her hand for a second, then letting it drop.

"Good," she breathed out a sigh.

"Tess," I started.

"I know, I know," she cut me off. I just looked at her.

"Alright, fine we can talk, but you have to go first," she said quietly.

I took a deep breath. I'd never had to tell this story.

"Okay, but I can't promise I won't cry," I said shakily, giving her a sad smile.

"I'm here," she said, grabbing my hand.

"Backstory: I'm a singer in a famous boy band. The other four boys are my best friends in the whole world. Liam, Zayn, Harry, and Louis," my voiced cracked just saying their names, especially Louis.

"And about two months ago, I started getting a lot of hate. In person, on Twitter, everywhere. Then, I basically got threatened, and told that I didn't deserve to live. So I, I uh, one night," I stumbled over my words.

"It's okay," Tessa said softly.

"I cut myself. I'd only done it a few times but that night I did it hard. I blacked out and almost died from blood loss. While I was in the hospital, my best friend got kidnapped," I had to stop again, swallowing the lump in my throat.

Tess ran her thumb over the back of my hand in a comforting way. Finally, I was able to keep going - circles we're going in circles - with my story.

"They found him, but he was shot, and went into a coma, which is where he still is. And his boyfriend thinks it's my fault, which I know it is, but, they all hate me now," I spoke.

The tears that had formed in my eyes were now rolling down my cheeks.

"Let it out sweetie," she whispered.

"I miss them so m-much. A-and I think they pull the plug tomorrow!" I cried.

By now I was full out sobbing and gasping for air. Tess let go of my hand to wrap her arms around me and pull my head to her chest, holding me close.

She held me while I cried for what felt like a long time. Finally, I calmed down and she let go. I sat up and wiped my eyes, taking a shaky breath.

"I'm so so sorry Niall," she said.

I shrugged, not trusting my voice quite yet. She smiled softly at me.

"I'll tell you mine if you want," she said.

I nodded, hoping her story wasn't as emotional as mine, for both of our sakes.

Ever since Tessa and I met two weeks ago, we'd hung out pretty much constantly. She was like my best friend. We hadn't talked about our pasts or why we were here though. It had just been an unspoken agreement I guess.


Next update in a few hours.

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