Chapter 16: come with me

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This chapters gonna be short, sorry, I'm tired.


Nialls p.o.v.

"Okay go ahead, I'm good now," I assured her, knowing that she was worried.

"Okay, so I've been dating this guy since I was 13, well dated," she trailed off nervously.

"Go on," I encouraged her.

"And after about two years, he started getting really angry, and yelling at me a lot. Then one day, I'd forgotten to do his math homework, and he, he hit me," her voice shook.

I grabbed her hand and held it right in mine, waiting for her to go on.

"It got worse and worse until finally he put me in the hospital, with a concussion and lacerated arms," she recited.

"Oh my god," I felt myself getting angry.

"Then when I came home, I told him we were done and that I was leaving. Then he, uh, he raped me," she broke off sobbing. Hmm, this feels like déjà vous.

I pulled her into my arms and held her just like she held me, running my fingers through her soft hair.

"After that I called the cops and he's in jail now, but I was afraid of everything so they sent me here," she whispered once she'd finally stopped crying.

"Well aren't we just a pair of good luck?" I asked, trying to lighten the mood.

To my surprise, she laughed. Just a quick laugh, but it made her smile, and I liked her smile.

"Leave it to you to make me laugh," she said, smiling at me with red eyes that probably matched my own.

"C'mere kid," I said, standing up.

She stood up, and I gave her a proper hug. It's hard to hug sitting down, so we needed a real hug, both of us.

"I just wish this would all be over," I said.

"Me too," she said.

We stood like that for a while, until it got awkward, and then we sat back down.

"I'm a dancer, in case you were wondering. I'm going on a tour with an "unknown singer" as soon as I get out of here," she said, nodding.

"That's awesome," I said.

"Yeah, it will be once we find a singer," she smiled.

I sighed. I got what she was hinting at.

"Come with me!" she begged.

"I just, I need some time to think about it," I said slowly.

She jumped up, looking hurt, then slowly backed away towards the door.

"Well let me know when you figure it out," she huffed, then she was gone.

Why can't I do anything right - right now everything is new to me - these days?


Poor niall.

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