Chapter 13: separate

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Okay so this is going to be a little look into everyone at their new places for a while.


Liams p.o.v.

I took a deep breath, then knocked on my parents door. They knew I was coming, but I was a little early.

The door swung open, and there stood my mom. She reached forewords and pulled me into a tight hug. She kept holding on, so I pushed her away.

"Hi mom," I said, trying to sound normal.

"Hi baby," she whispered, pulling me inside.

"Son," my dad said, nodding at me.

"Dad," I nodded back.

"Sit down and talk Liam, we want to know everything," my mom instructed.

"Did I not tell you why I came home?" I asked, sighing. "I want to get away from all of that," I said angrily.

"Short summary dear please," my mom begged.

"Nialls at rehab and we can't see him at all, Harrys anorexic, zayn smokes, louis is in a coma and were pulling the plug in a month, and harry hates me," I said before collapsing in a sobbing heap.


Zayns p.o.v.

"Pez, look," I started to explain.

"Shh baby, I know," she said, quieting me.

When Id stepped onto her porch, the door had swung open. I, as if on cue, had burst into tears, and she pulled me into a hug.

She dragged me inside and held me until I calmed down. Then she stuck in a movie and cuddled up to me on the couch, pulling my head down onto her shoulder.

She didn't even say anything. She didn't ask why I hadn't called her in two months. Didnt ask why Liam told her I was coming, not me. She just held me in her arms and told me everything was okay.

"I love you, you know that?" she asked.

"I love you too," I whispered into her shoulder, knowing that now more than ever.


Harrys p.o.v.

"Harry?" a soft voice from the doorway asked.

I was glad for the sound, no matter who it was. Zayn and Liam left several hours ago, and the silence is driving me insane.

"Harry look at me kid," the voice said again. Kid. I know who that is.

"Gem," I whispered, turning to look at her.

"I'm so so sorry," she said, walking over to me.

"Thank you," I said, smiling sadly down at Louis, unable to look her in the eyes.

After a period of silence, I looked up at her. She seemed uncomfortable.

"Look, I know comfort isn't your thing and it's fine. Just sit with me and talk, God anything," I said, feeling desperate for a conversation.

"Just c'mere kid," she said, surprising me.

I slowly stood up and took a step forewords. Then Gemma hesitantly wrapped her arms around me and held me close to her.

"It may not be my thing little brother but I still know how to when you need it," she whispered in my ear.


Nialls p.o.v.

"My best friend is in a coma because of me, the rest of my friends hate me because I did something awful, and two of my friends are slowly killing themselves," I explained why I was so upset.

"Niall, how can you say it's your fault? Everyone does bad things, but that doesn't mean they deserve to die," dr. langy said.

"I did something horrible though," I explained.

"Well Liam spoke with Eleanor, isn't that horrible?" he asked.

"Well yes," I said, sighing.

"Does he deserve to die?" the doctor asked.

"Of course not!" I exclaimed.

He raised and eyebrow but didn't say anything. Then I got his point. Sort of. What I did is so much worse than what Liam did. Everything -right now everything is new to me- nice Liams done cancels out the bad. But still.

"Oh," I whispered.


So basically, the whole month where the other boys are with different people, im only going to do Nialls p.o.v. And each update will have a "week" in between. So there will be 4 chapters, then something HUGE will happen.

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