Chapter 6

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"Uh, can you guys tell me the reason why we're running?" Jonas asked when I literally dragged them out of the classroom after our first period ended. Well, with that look that Monique was giving me the whole time, I really couldn't deal with her right now. And I don't think that I would want to deal with her, ever again.

"Because we're joining the track team. They are currently watching us run." Stacey sarcastically answered.

"Oh, I see. I may need to run faster. I like their captain, he's so cute and sexy." Carlie and I chucked because Jonas bought what Stacey said. Seriously?

"I was just being sarcastic, you dimwit! We're running because of what Ms. Virgin said about Monique. She literally told everyone that the she-devil is not a good kisser." she said chuckling and then looked at behind us before making a full stop. "I think it's safe to stop. She's not running behind us to prove to Anika that she's indeed a good kisser." she teased.

I playfully hit her.

"It was just a slip of the tongue. I thought I was just thinking about it. I didn't intend to say it out loud." I told them in my defense.

"Well Ed Sheeran, you thought it wrong. Now, you would need to run away from the bitch every now and then, or else, you know what she would do to you." Carlie commented.

"Is she really that bad of a kisser?" ugh! This topic again. But I need to blame myself for this one. Me and my big mouth. I really didn't know why I reacted that way.

"I'm hungry." I said. I ignored Jonas' question.

"Dodging the question, I see." Stacey said while nodding.

When I looked at Carlie, I knew that I may need to tell them everything because of that look that she's giving me.

"Uh-uh. Did you guys remember when we told each other that we'll never keep secrets? That the foundation of a healthy and true friendship is honesty?" see? She used the same tactic when we found out that Stacey was sleeping with our principal. Well of course we told her to stop it and she did, I hope.

I sighed.

"It's a long story." I told them.

Stacey looked at her watch.

"We have four hours till our next class. Will that be enough?" she asked with a smug face.

"I need to eat first. I'm starving. And if I'm going to tell you guys everything, we need a privy place." I said. I wouldn't want the other students to hear about what happened with Monique and I in the bathroom.

"I think I may know a place." Carlie said and signaled us to follow her. Jonas and Stacey both put their hands in my arms. Ugh! This gonna be a loooooooooooooong break.


"OH MY GOD! YOU WHAT?! Can you start again from when she opened the door?" see, this is the reason why I didn't want to tell them sooner about that incident? Look at their reactions! UGH!

"Stace, this is the 3rd time that you asked me to tell you what fuck happened in that restroom. I think it's enough. I'm trying to erase it from my mind. Can we just start eating again?" I told her while looking at my food. I thought that they will let me eat first, but of course, being nosy as they are, they didn't stop asking until I tell them the whole story.

"Sorry, my mind couldn't process what you just said. I mean, you and Monique making out in Aaron's restroom. That was so juicy! Who would've thought that you guys have the hots for each other. So that's the reason why you're not interested with any guy here in the campus." Stacey said, nodding again.

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