Chapter 32

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"Nah. I don't see an after sex glow. I knew it, I should've trusted my first instinct. Here's your 50 bucks, Charlie." I gave Jonas a questioning look when I heard what Stacey just said and when I saw her handing a $50 dollar bill to Charlie. Were they having a bet about Monique and I's sex life? The fuck?!

Jonas nodded and chuckled.

"Yes, I'm confirming that what you're thinking is correct. They had a bet last Friday. Stacey said that Britney was going to deflower you but Charlie insisted that you won't give your virginity this early. She said that you'll only give it if 'Justin' is out of the picture. And until then, Britney needs to control her libido and just masturbate whenever she feels an urge to fuck you." what the?! And then I heard our friends laughed out loud. I think it's because they saw how red I was when I heard Jonas' answer. Seriously? I won't be surprised if I heard that from Stacey, but from Jonas? He isn't that crude. Stace's crudeness is rubbing off him.

"Do you really have to be that 'honest?', Jonas?" I snapped.

"Hey! Not my words." Jonas said to his defense while still laughing.

"Charlie?" I looked at her incredulously. I had no idea that she's as crude as Stacey.

"Well, the first lines, yes, they were mine. But the latter part, I think, you should ask Stace about that." I rolled my eyes. Of course. She's the only one who's capable of saying those things.

"But I liked how Jonas uttered those words. I'm proud of you, J! I really am." she said while patting Jonas' shoulder, then looked at me. "You're still a virgin, right?"

"Why do you wanna know?" I deadpanned.

"Because, I might be able to take back my 50 bucks and Charlie would be the one to hand me hers." she said and I mentally face palmed. Why is my sex life that important to them? Don't they have their own?

I shook my head.

"Keep it, Charlie." I said. There's no point in beating around the bush.

"Ha! I told you so, Stacey. I know our dear Anika won't give it that easily. I know someone who's like that." Charlie was smiling but I can see how sad her eyes were when she said that. She's thinking about her best friend again.

"You mean your conservative best friend?" Stacey and I were thinking the same.

"Yeah. But let's not talk about her." she said and we nodded. "Did you talk to her about her parents?"

"Her parents, why? Are they aware of what's happening between their daughter and Anika?" Jonas asked.

"No. We overheard Britney and K's conversation last week. The former wants to break up with 'Justin', but the latter said that it wouldn't be a good idea because Britney's father is suspecting that their daughter might be gay and will dishonor her if ever that his suspicion is correct." Charlie explained.

"Oh." was Stacey's only reaction.

Jonas didn't react, but I saw how his face harden when he heard what Charlie said.

"So, were you able to talk about it?" Charlie repeated her question.

"Yeah." I said.

"And?" of course, they like to know everything.

I took a deep breath before answering.

"She told me to not worry about it since it was only a suspicion—"

"Which will be confirmed if she'll break up with Mike. I know her father, Anika. He hates gay people. He even told my parents to get me treated or else, I will rot in hell. I told him that being gay isn't a disease but he ignored me and continued saying names about gays. If he finds out about your relationship with his daughter, he'll do everything just to make sure that you two will part ways." he said coldly and I saw how his fists were clenched.

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