Chapter 13

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"Where are we going?" I asked Charlie. When I got back after that steamy confrontation in the restroom, they told me that we don't have classes for the whole day. They said it was announced when I was 'cleaning myself'. And yes, they used an air quote when they said that. They were actually giving me teasing looks when they saw me wearing an unfamiliar shirt.

"I like your shirt, but you smell like a bitch." I glared at her but they just giggled.

"That didn't answer my question, CHARLIZE! And please stop sniffing my shirt, ugh!" I stopped walking and crossed my arms.

"I don't think it's yours, Niks. I have seen all your clothes and you don't have a shirt like that. And by the way, here's YOUR shirt. We were about to give it to you but when we got back, the restroom was locked and we think you were being punished inside because you were telling the person who's with you to stop whatever she's doing. But later on, we heard that you're praying so we just walked away and didn't disturb you." Stacey smirked.

"Praying?" I asked. I don't remember anything about saying a prayer when we were inside the restroom.

"Yep, praying. You were like, hmmm, oh God. Oh God. Oh God!" then they all burst out laughing. I felt my cheeks flushed when I heard what she said. They freaking listened to us? That's private, UGH!

"F-first of all, you're not allowed to listen to a private conversation---"

"I don't think it's a conversation if all you'll ever say is hmm, ohhhh, stop." Carlie commented so I also eyed her.

"But it's still private! DUH! Just between the two us. And finally, Stacey, I don't remember 'PRAYING' like that!" I told them in my defense. All I could remember was just telling Monique to stop. That's all.

"I actually saw Britney when I entered the restroom and I knew that you'll be having a confrontation but I didn't think that you'll do the nasty." Charlie lowered her voice because of some students that were walking past us.

"I've experience that one. One of the best sex I've ever had. And mind you, there are other students inside the restroom when we were doing it inside the cubicle. So we needed to stay quiet while doing it. Quite thrilling, actually." I scowl at Stacey. Ew. So unhygienic! I will never do that inside a restroom cubicle.

I gave them a serious look. I need to tell them what really happened between Monique and I.

"We didn't do it, I swear. I stopped her before we get out of control. I told her that we need to talk about us first. If why we feel strange whenever we're kissing. If what do we have to do to stop whatever it is that we're doing." I said.

They stopped laughing when they saw how serious I was, and started agreeing with what I just said.

"Well yeah, before you do anything again, it's best if you'll talk to each other. You need to figure out together what's going on between you two. If you need to stop or you would like to continue whatever it is that you're doing. But I need to warn you, Anika. You're my bestfriend and I don't want you to get hurt, but don't get your hopes up. She has a boyfriend and she's one of the popular ones who are really concerned about their social status." Carlie said. I nodded. I know. I'm aware of that. And if she'll choose it, I'll be fine with it. At least, I'll know where I stand. "But whatever your decision will be, I'll always support you. As long as you're happy." she added.

I smiled and hugged her. I'm really grateful that I have a very supportive bestfriend.

"Thank you." I whispered.

"I totally agree with Carls, we'll support you no matter what." Jonas even winked at me when he said that.

"I third the motion."

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