Chapter 35

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Smiling, I winked at myself in the mirror. Yes, I am happy because of what happened last night. I still couldn't believe that my parents were 'okay' when I told them that I broke up with Mike because I have to focus on my studies. Mom smiled and told me that she'll support me in whatever decision that I would make as long as I am happy, and my father just shrugged and nodded, no questions asked. I don't know what's going on in his mind, but I don't care. As long as he's not asking me to get back with Mike, I'm okay with it.

Regarding my sexuality, I decided to keep it to myself, for now. Not that I am not proud of Anika or my relationship with her, but I just don't want my father to do something that might hurt or ruin Anika's future.

I know how vicious my father is and I need to protect my girl and her family from him. I'll just wait for his disgust (for gays and lesbians) to subside before telling him the truth.

Well enough of that thought. I should be happy because I'm totally free from the pervert and I can now ask Anika to be my girlfriend.

But before that, I need to go to the mall to get a new phone because I accidentally dropped my old one in the toilet when I was using it last night.

I was walking towards the school gate when I saw Kitty and Anika arguing about something. I could tell just by looking at their facial expressions.

They didn't even notice that I was already behind them. Why were they so serious? Is there something wrong?

"No buts, Anika. It'll be better if I'll be the one to go there. Don't worry, I'll make sure that she's safe, okay?" what was that? Who's not safe? Is it the new girl?

"Do you promise that?" I could hear how hopeful Anika was when she was saying that. Is she really that concerned about that Charlie?

"I promise. And don't worry, I'll text or call you if ever I'll be able to talk to her, okay?"

"I'll be waiting here. But if ever I didn't receive an update after an hour or so, I'll follow you there, okay?" oh no, you don't. As if I'll let her.

And before Kitty can say anything, I interrupted and asked, "Where are you going, Kitty and why would Anika follow you?"

They both turned and looked at me and I could see how relieved they were when they saw me standing behind them.

"Monique!" they both exclaimed. What's wrong with them? They looked so surprised when they saw me.

"Duh." I rolled my eyes.

Before I could react, Anika hugged me, and Kitty did too. Seriously?

"Not that I'm complaining, but why are we hugging? Is there something wrong or you two just missed me that much?" I asked while giggling.

"Well, I'm not a hugger, but I don't want the students to misinterpret Anika's hug, so I follow suit. You both agreed that you'll be discreet, right, ANIKA?" Kitty said after they pulled away.

Anika looked at my best friend and smiled, "Sorry, I just got carried away. I was so relieved to see her here. I thought her father locked her up because she broke up with Mike yesterday." she explained.

Oh. They were talking about me and not the new girl. But why will I be locked up?

"Wait, why would you think that I'll be locked up by my father? Who gave you the idea that—" of course. "Kitty?"

She shrugged and chuckled.

"In my defense, we were really worried because you weren't answering our messages and we couldn't reach your number, so I panicked and told her about how your father locked you up in your room because you played basketball with your cousins instead of playing barbie dolls with your friends."

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