Chapter 7

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"I am certainly, unquestionably, definitely, and obviously not gay, thank you very much." I answered Stacey. And yes, I'm sure about this one. I am not gay. Yes, I made out with a girl, Monique to be specific but that doesn't mean that I am gay. I just got caught up in the moment, that's all.

"Hmm. You sure? Your story about how you made out with Monique says otherwise." she said while munching her food.

See? This is really about that making out incident.

"Seriously, I'm not gay. I'm not even attracted to girls per se. I swear." I told them nonchalantly. "If I was, I would've told you, right? Remember, no secrets."

They looked at me as if they're trying read what's on my mind.

"Bisexual, maybe?" Jonas asked.

Hmm, a bisexual is a person who's attacted to both men and women. I don't think, I'm bisexual either. Like I said, I don't like girls.

"She's not attracted to guys." Carlie said so I gave her a questioning look.

"Who told you that?" I asked her. I never told them that I'm not attracted to guys, duh!

"No one. Just an observation since you've never had any sexual or romantic encounter with guys." she said while shrugging.

"Well excuse you if I'm not as horny and sexually active like you guys, but that doesn't mean that I'm not interested with men. I mean real men. Not like the ones you're dating." I said trying to insult the three of them but they just shrugged and laughed.

"They're real, I can assure you, Niks. As real as their di--" before Stacey can continue whatever she had to say, I stuffed her mouth with fries so she would shut up.

"I wasn't talking about their D, ugh! What I meant was real man who's responsible enough. The ones who aren't as immature as your past and present boyfriends." I stated.

She took a bite of her burger before saying anything.

"Oh, the boring ones?" she deadpanned.

I ignored what she said and just continued with what I was saying.

"Men who respect every girl that they meet. The ones whom you can have a conversation about anything under the sun. The one that will make you feel that you have a strong connection that will even hit your soul. " I said using a dreamy tone.

"Yep, totally boring." Stacey snickered.

"So let's say that we believe you, Anika, that you can be attracted to 'MEN', can you give us a name of that 'MAN' who can make you feel that you can have that certain connection that you're talking about." Jonas asked.

Now it's my turn to give them a smug smile.

"Tom Ellis!" I answered.

"Oh my gosh, I like him too! I mean who wouldn't like his body. And did you see his butt? I mean, I'll do whatever it takes to taste him. I'd give my whole self to that guy." of course, it's Stace.

Carlie looked at me incredulously.

"So you feel a certain connection with an actor? How can it be possible? I mean, you don't even know him." I was about to answer and tell her how can I possibly say his name if I don't know him, but she beat me to it. "IN PERSON!"

I put down my burger before answering her.

"Well, my dear Carlie, do I need to lecture you about emotional connection? Sometimes, you can really feel a strong connection between you and a person even if you haven't seen them physically. Take for example the people who met their love of their lives through social media. I'd bet that some of them tell the other person that they love them even if they haven't met in person." I told her, trying to make a point.

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