Chapter 29

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"Anika dear, instead of sulking and ignoring her calls and messages, why don't you ask her yourself about the dinner? Why do I have to text Kitty and ask her if your girlfriend is updating her about the dinner? What am I, your bridge?" I pouted when I heard Charlie's answer. Is it that hard to send a message to Kitty? Well if I know, they've been texting a lot since the other day. I just want to know if that asshole is taking advantage of my Monique. Uhm, I mean, my special friend, Monique.

"No. I'm still mad at her. I don't want to talk to her." I said while crossing my arms.

"Because of what? Because Mike kissed her in front of you? Or because she didn't say no about the dinner?" Stacey asked while she was consuming my chocolates.

"Yes to both." I answered.

Stacey was about to same something but Carlie stopped her.

"We should understand that this is the first time that Anika's been in love with someone. So, yeah, she must really be that selfish and immature." I gave her a questioning look. What did she mean by that?

"Selfish? Immature? Can I not get hurt because of what she did? She'd tell me that she likes me, then the next minute, she'll be kissing his boyfriend and agreeing to a dinner. She didn't think that I might get hurt since I saw and heard them because I was just beside her, for Pete's sake!" I frustratingly said. "

Why are my friends on Monique's side? They also saw and heard what happened this morning, right? Why aren't we on the same page?

"See? You were just thinking about what YOU felt. But what about her? Mike caught her off guard when he kissed her. We saw that. We saw how she wanted to stop it, but she couldn't since she was trying to be a good girlfriend. And just an FYI, she didn't kiss him back. She was clenching her fists while her boyfriend was kissing her. And I also saw how frustrated she was when Mike told her about the dinner and that it was her parents who invited him. And then, there's you. She knew that you'll get hurt but she couldn't do anything for now since like what Carlie said, he's still her boyfriend. Do you know what she felt that time? She was even looking at you the entire time that our professor was discussing. She wanted to explain to you her side but you were ignoring her the whole day." Charlie was the one who answered my rant.

"I agree. I saw that too. It was just Anika who didn't see it because she was busy thinking how hurt she is." Jonas said and both Carlie and Stacey nodded.

So it's really me vs them? Great!

I sighed. They actually have a point. I just thought about myself. I ignored her and her messages because I was hurt. I didn't even think that she must be feeling the same.

"Oh and you didn't deny that you're in love with her." I heard Stacey said so I looked at her incredulously. What the fuck? It's too early to be in love. I like her so much, yes, but I didn't tell them that I am in love with her.

"Carlie said that it's the first time that you fell in love and you didn't deny it, so that means that you are already in love with her!" she added and she even clapped and hugged Jonas who's sitting beside her.

I shook my head. I'm not in love with her, I think.

"Stacey, are you high? I didn't say that I am in love with her. I just didn't catch what Carlie said because I was thinking about Monique and—"

"How will you tell her that you're in love with her? That it's too soon but you can't help yourself to feel that way?" Stacey interrupted and I gave her a pointed look.

"Ha-ha, funny Stace! You and your lame jokes."

"Just let her be, Stace. She's still in denial." Charlie said and gave me a smirk so I eyed her.

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