Chapter 39

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I love you. Always remember that, okay? I smiled bitterly when I remember those words. I just couldn't believe that I fell for that. Why was I stupid enough to believe those lies?

Of course Anika, you didn't notice that you've been played by that girl. Did you really think that a beautiful, rich, smart, and straight girl will really fall for you? Oh c'mon. This isn't a fairy tale. This is a freaking unfair world for people like you. And you were just stupid enough to think that what you had was real. That she was sincere when she told you that she loved you. Fucking bull! Yeah right.

I wiped my tears when I realized that I was crying. It's been two years and I could still feel that pain I felt when I first read her letter. I remembered how worried I was when she didn't make it the next morning at Kitty's. We were trying to call her, but we couldn't get through. We waited for a couple of hours before we went to check if she's home with her parents. But when we arrived there, there were no sign of them, until Charlie saw a letter that was addressed to me, and that's when I found out that everything that has happened between the two of us were all lies. That it was all because of a bet between her and her boyfriend. And the stupid prey, is yours truly. Why didn't I think about that?

I remembered how Kitty tried to defend her best friend, but I didn't listen to her. I didn't know if I didn't want to hear another lie, or I just didn't want to hear another thing about her. Like what she said in her letter, I should forget about her, about us. And that's what I did. That's what I was doing for the past two years.

I've been trying to make myself busy by helping my parents manage our small business. And sometimes, I'm helping Jonas with his modeling agency. I always try to not think about what happened in the past, but there are times like these that I couldn't help but think about it. Yes, I can still feel that pain, but that doesn't mean that I still love her. The only feeling that I have for her is just hatred. That's all.

"Are you still thinking about her?" I discreetly wiped the remaining tears when I heard a voice behind me.

I faked a smile when I turned to her.

"Hey Charlie. Who's that 'her'? Sorry but I don't know someone with that name." I said while smiling at her.

She sighed before answering my question.

"I know how much you love her, Anika. So it's okay to cry whenever you're thinking about her. Monique is your first love." she said and I laughed sarcastically.

"Oh wow, seriously? It's been what, 2 or 3 years? I'm so over that girl. And just to correct what you've said, I was stupid so I LOVED her, and she WAS my first love. It's all in the past now." I said nonchalantly. "By the way, are you sure you wanna do this? It's okay if we just stay here and chill." I asked trying to change the topic. Though, I'm really concerned about her. I don't understand why she wants to do this.

She nodded and smiled sadly.

"I have to do this. If I see how happy she is right now, it might help me get over her." she said and I really feel sorry for her.

"Don't you think it's unfair?" I asked.


"She didn't reciprocate your feelings because she said that she's straight and she'll never fall for a girl. And now, she's marrying that Justine Martinez whom we all know is a GIRL, correct?" that's bull. She broke Charlie's heart because of that crappy reason, and now, she's eating her own words?

"All is fair in love, Anika. And we can't choose the ones we love. You should know that." she said and I smiled bitterly. Yeah. I should know. Because I've been a victim of what you called 'stupid love'.

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