Chapter 34

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"Anika!" I looked around and saw a smiling Tyron walking towards my direction. Ugh. What does he want now?

And because I don't want to be rude, I gave him a faint smile.

"Hey." his smile widen when he stopped in front of me.

"Hi." I replied. Deep inside, I was thinking of an excuse to walk away from him. I am not really in the mood to talk right now. Not when I'm still thinking why Monique didn't even call, text or update me last night on her father's reaction about the breakup.

"So, how are you? I've been meaning to talk to you ever since the school started, but you were always busy or you're with your friends or Monique." he asked and there was a slight 'questioning reaction' in his voice when he said Monique's name.

"Well yeah. We're doing some projects together and sometimes, tutor each other, too." I lied. I had to.

"Oh, I see. That's good to hear. I had never imagined that Monique can be that nice to others." the last sentence was supposed to be a whisper, but I still heard it so I raised my brows and crossed my arms.

"Well she is. And she's a good friend. You just don't know it because she's not that showy."

"If you say so." he said while chuckling.

Okay fine. I know how mean Monique was but that was before and she's a changed person and I know that. Ever since she said that she'll stop the bullying, she started with herself.

"Yes." I said coldly.

"So, how is she coping with the breakup? People are still talking about it and it's still trending in our school page." he asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know. I haven't received any messages or calls from her since she went home yesterday." I said.

"I see. Maybe she had a hard time in explaining to her parents why she broke up with Mike. And speaking of which, do you know her reason? Is there a third party or something?" he asked.

Oh. Now I know why he wants to talk to me. He wants to fish for information. Tsk, guys. They're even gossipy than us girls.

I shook my head and gave him a blank face.

"I don't know. And even if I know the reason, I will never say it nor tell it to other people. I'm her friend and I respect her privacy. What about you, are you really her friend who's concerned about her feelings, or you're just here for some information?" I asked and based on how red he is right now, I know I hit a nerve.

"O-of course, I'm concerned. I-I'm her friend. I-I just want to know the reason why she broke up with Mike, well, as their friend. Yeah, that's it." he said, stuttering.

"Yeah right." I said sarcastically. "Can I go now? I need to finish something and—"

"Can I ask you out on a date?" he interrupted.


"I want to ask you out on a date." he said and I looked at him incredulously. That's so fucking random.

"The answer is no, Tyron. I've told you a thousand times that I am not interested in having a relationship, or a fling, or whatever you may want to call what you're doing right now. I am just here to study, okay?" I said and he smiled sadly.

"I'm sorry for being persistent. I just like you and I want to—"

"Why are you still bothering her, Ty? Didn't you hear what she said? She's not interested, okay? So just find some other girls who will fall for your charm. Scoot, I need to talk to her." I don't know what's with her voice, but I saw how rattled Tyron was when he heard what she said.

"I-I have to go. Bye Anika, and—and K-kitty." he said and walked away as fast as he could. He didn't even bother to look at us before walking away.

Wow, Kitty is really scary. She's even scarier than the Queen Bee. Now I know why Charlie is so fond with her.

"Ugh! Why can't he get that you're not interested with him? We always tell him to find someone else because we can see that you're not falling for his charms." she commented while looking at Tyron.

"I don't know. But he should stop. I don't want him to get into trouble if Monique sees him trying to flirt with me." I answered with a low voice. I don't want the others to hear what I just said.

"Agree. And speaking of that bitch, did she call or text you last night? Or this morning?" she asked and I shook my head.

"I was waiting for her last night, but she didn't call me. What about you? Did she call you and tell anything about her father's reaction?"

She also shook her head.

"Did you try to call her?"

"Yes. But I can't seem to get through her number."

She nodded.

"I see. Same with me. I wanted to go to their house this morning, but I didn't want her father to misunderstand why I had to go there and pick her up. So yeah, I'm just waiting for her to ask her about how her parents reacted about the breakup." she said. "But it's almost time for our first class and she's still not here. Monique's never late, you know that. I think something's not right." she added and I didn't know what happened but my heart skipped a beat when I heard what she said.

What if Monique's in trouble? Or what if her father found out about us and drove her away from here just for us to be separated. Or he might have tried to do everything just to get them back together. What if--

"Seriously, Anika? Do you always think that loud? And stop thinking about that. I don't think Monique will agree to what her father wants. Remember when she said that she will fight for you? Have faith in her, okay?" she said and I couldn't opposed, so I just nodded. She's right. I have to trust her.

"Well, yeah. But I can't help thinking that her father might do something with her because of that break-up. You said that he can do everything to stop her from being 'gay' or 'bisexual'. What if he hurt her? Or lock her up in her room?" I said, panicking.

"Well, you might have a point there. Her father is strict like that. He once locked up in her room for 2 days because she played basketball with her cousins." she said.

"Oh wow. That strict?"

"Yeah. Anything that may trigger her inner 'tomboy.' Or anything that might make her think that she's gay or something like that."

"Oh." I said and I started to walk towards the school gate.

"Uh, where do you think you're going, Anika?" I heard her asked. I knew that she would follow me.

"Monique's." I simply answered.

"Are you out of you mind? What if her father finds out about your relationship with her? It might cause a lot of problems between her, you, and your family. Just stay here and I'll go, okay?" she said.


"No buts, Anika. It'll be better if I'll be the one to go there. Don't worry, I'll make sure that she's safe, okay?"

"Do you promise that?"

She smiled and nodded.

"I promise. And don't worry, I'll text or call you if ever I'll be able to talk to her, okay?"

"I'll be waiting here. But if ever I didn't receive an update after an hour or so, I'll follow you there, okay?"

She was about to decline when we heard a familiar voice behind us.

"Where are you going, Kitty and why would Anika follow you?" again, that abnormal beating of my heart whenever that person is around.

Kitty and I both turned to look at that person.

"Monique!" we both exclaimed.

"Duh." she said and I didn't waste any time and hugged her.

She's here. She's really here and she's fine.

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