Chapter 37

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Will be there at 7. Be ready. We don't want to be late or Kitty will kill us. I shook my head when I read Charlie's message. I don't know why she's so afraid of Kitty. I like the girl. Yes, she was as mean as Monique in the past, but now, she's one of the people who stands up for us when we are being bullied in school. And now, she's being supportive in whatever relationship her best friend and I have.

I looked at the clock and it's only six in the evening, so I have plenty of time to fix my things. I don't know, I just cannot believe that someone from the upper 'class' in school has invited us for a sleep over. I mean, months ago, they were just torturing and bullying us, but now, they're protecting us from the others.

Looking back, I hated it when my friends dragged me to that summer party which started all of these crazy things that I am experiencing right now. That time, I was so sure that I was straight. But that 'kiss' proved me wrong. Who would've thought that the first person that I'll give my heart with is the first person who made my life a living hell in school? The first person who threw a slushy and embarrassed me in the hallway. The one who makes my heart beat faster because of fear, is the one who's making my heart beat faster because of the feeling of being in love.

Like I said, a rollercoaster ride of emotions. But I'm happy. I'm really happy that the kiss happened. It made me realize a lot of things. It made me feel a lot of things. And now, it's making me take a lot of risks. But it's fine. Because at the end of the day, I know that Monique is all worth it.

"Someone's happy. Is it because of the sleepover?" my smile grew wider when I heard my Mom's voice. "I'm really glad you found some new friends. At least, you're trying to socialize now." she added while helping me fix my things.

Part of me wants to tell my Mom about what's the real score between Monique and I, but I ain't sure if it'll be okay with her. We've never talked about homosexuality in our household, though I can see that my parents are fond of Jonas and they don't treat him the way Monique's father treated him.

But I should tell them about my sexuality when my father comes back from his trip. For now, I need to keep it from my mother.

I looked at my Mom and rolled my eyes.

"I don't get you. Some parents like their children to stay at home to make sure that they're safe, and you want me to socialize and party? Why?" partly a joke, but I want to hear her answer.

"Because I want you to have fun while you're young. I don't want you to deprive yourself of doing the things that will make you happy. Just like what you guys will always say, YOLO." she even wiggled her eyebrows while saying that.

"Oh wow. The things that you learn from my friends. Remind me to ban them in our house before you learn some other things from them, especially from Stacey." I shivered when I thought of that. I don't imagine my Mom saying things like—

"Stop being a prude, dear daughter. It's time for you to explore something wanky that will—"

"That's it! No more Stacey in this house!" I said and she just laughed before leaving my room.

My God! Stacey's rubbing off my Mom and it's bad news! Soon enough, my Mom will also ask me about my sex life and that'll be the worst day of my life.

Bitch, be ready. We'll be there in five. who else will call me that?

We need to talk. was my reply.

I don't talk, I fuck. Ugh! Stupid Stacey.

I just rolled my eyes at her reply while getting out of my room. I'll just wait for them outside. I don't want my Mom to see and chat with them before we leave.

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