2. Phone

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"Fuck! Harder, Brendon!"

Tyler grunted, letting a moan escape his lips. The two continued at it for God knows how long before Brendon fell next to him on the bed, pulling the used condom off and throwing it in the trash can next to him. "Holy shit."

"Yeah," Tyler nodded. "Fuck, that was so," he breathed out. "Good."

"I'll be back," Brendon got up and Tyler watched him enter his master bathroom. He heard water running and a moment later he returned with a wet washcloth. "We've done this enough times. I know the drill," he chuckled, wiping the sticky substance off of Tyler's thigh.

"And why haven't you proposed yet?" Tyler asked jokingly, still feeling his hormones running wild.

"Because you're a whiny brat and I can't be tied down to someone like that," Brendon replied with a smile. "You're still a good fuck though."

"I know," Tyler replied, his cherry lips curling into a close mouthed smile. "You're..." he let out a sigh, the scent of mint filling the air. "Mediocre."

"We both know that's not true."

Tyler cracked a smile. "Sadly."

Brendon finished cleaning the both of them up before stripping the bed of its sheets and taking them to their washing machine. He knew Tyler wasn't going to wash his own sheets. He never did.

When he entered the room again, Tyler stuck his arms out and made grabby hands at Brendon. Brendon just gave him a small smile. "I gotta get ready for work," he told him, walking back out of the room to (Tyler assumed) his own.

Tyler exhaled and sat up, running a hand through his sweaty hair. Him and Brendon were both disgusting but it wasn't the first time they had fucked before either of them had to go out into public. "I hate when you just use me like that and then dip," Tyler sighed obnoxiously.

"You're such a dramatic bitch," Brendon joked, walking back in again with fresh clothes in hand so he could talk to Tyler while he got ready. "You could come to work with me?" He suggested.

"That's too much work," Tyler argued, his bottom lip jutting out and curling into a pout.

"You literally just have to sit there," Brendon slid his black dress shirt on and began fastening the buttons. "Please? It gets lonely flirting with drunk people all night by myself," he teased, rolling the sleeves up to his elbows and exposing the colorful tattoo sleeve Tyler just found endearingly hot.

Tyler pondered for a moment. "Hmm..." he hummed before stopping and looking at Brendon. "No."

"Ty!" Brendon groaned. "Please?"

"Brendon we aren't dating I don't have to do sappy shit like entertain you at work," Tyler scoffed, not realizing how rude his words were.

Brendon just blinked, used to Tyler's harsh words. "I know we aren't dating, sweetheart," he replied. "I don't wanna date your nasty ass. I just want my best friend to come entertain me at work."

"Not tonight," Tyler decided. "How about tomorrow?"

Brendon cracked a grin and walked over to Tyler. He bent down so he could reach the smaller's height from the bed he was sitting on and passionately kissed him on the lips. Tyler reciprocated and pulled Brendon on top of him so the older was straddling him. Brendon bit down on Tyler's bottom lip ever so slightly causing the latter to let out another moan.

Tyler instantly began pulling down the boxers Brendon had just put on and he sat back and gave Tyler a warning look. "Last time we got cum on my shirt and I had to change so I was late. No more fucking when I'm already getting dressed."

Tyler pouted and let a whine so loud it made Brendon shift in his lap. "Please?" He looked at Brendon with puppy dog eyes.

The older sighed and began pulling his shirt off. "Let's make it quick."


The brunette walked around his kitchen, looking for something to eat. It was ten at night and Brendon left at nine. Tyler just laid in bed for another hour on his phone though, only getting up when his stomach rumbled one too many times.

He opened the fridge and saw a bowl of pasta that he knew Brendon had made earlier. It was probably his best friend's but he grabbed it out for himself instead. If Brendon had and issue with it, he could just make more.

Since the pasta was meant to be eaten cold, he popped off the lid and set it on the counter before grabbing a fork and going into their living room.

He was currently wearing one of Brendon's sweatshirts, Brendon's large grey pajama pants, and his own fuzzy socks. Ever since January had begun it's gotten a lot colder out, making their apartment chillier too. They weren't making enough money to turn their heat up and still be able to pay for it so Brendon's big clothes and a plethora of soft blankets will have to do be enough.

As he laid under three thick blankets, he watched Orange is the New Black on Netflix and ate his pasta. He didn't know how long had passed before he finished eating but in between episodes he got up and went into his bedroom in search of a certain item.

Tyler re-entered his living room with the object in hand and perched himself back into the couch. He pulled the coffee table closer to him and sat criss cross as he opened the white nail polish he had fetched.

The boy busied himself with the task of painting his nails while he watched the prison show on his TV. He had always been good at multitasking.

However, his multitasking definitely came in handy when he looked over and saw his phone ringing. Sighing, he paused his show and answered the call before putting it on speaker with the hand that wasn't wet with nail polish. "Hey there," he said in a seductive voice. The number was unknown but he already knew why he was getting called.

"Fuck," the voice breathed out. "I—"

"Shhh," Tyler said into the phone, concentrating on painting his pinky nail. "I've got you. What do you need baby?"

The caller described to Tyler his... situation... and the brunette handled it just as he had many, many times before.

Being a gay phone sex operator was his job after all.

It was easier than anything else he had tried and he barely had to put any work into it. Half the time he didn't even get turned on but the call always ended with the guy who reached out thinking he did.

That night was one of those situations. He may not have gotten turned on but he did end up staying on the phone with this dude for half an hour, earning him $300 for that call alone.

His nails ended up looking pretty damn good too.

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