21. Princess

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Josh was sitting at his computer when Jenna called the next Tuesday afternoon. He answered it and put it on speaker as he was typing up a list of things he'd need to do before he and Tyler left for California on Friday. "Hello?"

"Um... I have a situation," she spoke quickly.

"Are you okay?" Josh asked instantly.

"Yeah I'm fine. Jake's mom was hanging stuff up and fell off a ladder and broke her ankle. She's fine but she's in the hospital and Jake wants to go see her and obviously I should go," she paused. "My usual babysitter is busy and I was wondering if you could watch the kids for a couple hours."

"Yeah, of course," Josh instantly agreed. "When?"

"How soon can you leave work?"

"Probably like twenty minutes if you let me finish what I'm doing now."

"Could you come then?" She asked.

"Yeah. That should work," he paused. "Can I bring Tyler? If he wants to come that is."

"Um..." Jenna hesitated. "I don't know. Will that distract you from the kids?"

"No," Josh assured. "They'll be my number one priority like always."

"I don't know..." she sighed. "I get weird vibes from him."

Josh scoffed. "You're literally the one who told me to ask him out, Jenna."

"That was before I met him! He just gives me a strange feeling. Plus I've had one conversation with him I don't really want him alone with my kids when I don't know him."

"Well I like him a lot and I know he's a good person," Josh defended his boyfriend. "And if he's not then like I said your children are my number one priority. Please? I won't let anything happen."

It was silent for a moment before Jenna groaned. "Fine! Fine. But it's only because I trust you. I don't trust him."

Josh smiled. "Thanks, Jenna. We'll be there soon."

"You better."


Josh parked in Jenna's driveway and looked at Tyler. The brunette was staring anxiously at the house. "Are you okay, baby?" Josh asked him.

Tyler looked over at him. "Uh, yeah," he nodded. "I'm just... kids aren't my thing."

"You didn't have to come," Josh told him. "I can take you back home if you want?"

"No," Tyler insisted. "It's fine."

Josh nodded and got out, Tyler following him as they went up to the door. Instead of knocking, Josh just walked in like he usually did.

Josh's eyes widened when he saw how chaotic his friend's house was. It was a disaster and there were toys and messes everywhere. Emerson was sitting in his play pen and contently playing with toys but Hallie was running around with a blanket tied around her neck like a cape.

She saw Josh was there and ran to him. "Uncle Josh!"

He laughed and bent down, holding his arms up. When she reached him he scooped her up and stood up, holding her tight to his chest. "Hey, angel," he smiled.

She looked at Tyler with wide blue eyes and Tyler stared back. "Who's this?" She asked Josh.

"This is Tyler. We're dating," he explained. "This is Hallie," he turned to Tyler who looked uncomfortable.

"Hi," Hallie smiled and waved. He waved back. She turned to Josh. "I didn't know boys could date boys."

"They can," he nodded. "And girls can date girls."

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