23. Cuddle

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Josh stepped aside so their bellhop could roll the luggage cart into his and Tyler's room. He was holding Tyler's hand, keeping an eye on him since he was still slightly tipsy. Sober enough that Josh thinks he could drive a car (not that he would let him) but there was still alcohol running through his veins. Thankfully, other than the small taste he had on the plane Josh had only had water.

The bellhop set their suitcases on the ground before wheeling the cart out. He was about to walk off when Josh handed him $20. They didn't have a lot of luggage but Tyler had rambled the whole way up and he felt bad that the man had to deal with that at nine in the night. "Here you go."

"Sir, this is a very large tip I couldn't—" he began. Bellhops usually only received $1-5 but Josh felt generous. Besides, he had the money.

Josh smiled and shook his head, setting the bill in his hand. "Take it. Have a good night," he nodded before ushering Tyler into the room and shutting the door.

"Holy shit..." Tyler breathed out, taking in the room. Josh didn't see what was so amazing with it. It was just like the hotels he usually stayed in.

"What?" Josh asked.

"This is amazing," he gasped, glancing around before going over to the window. Josh followed him and he had to admit, the view was breathtaking. He could only imagine how it looked— "Let's go outside," Tyler slid the door open and pulled Josh out, reading his exact thoughts.

The two went over to the balcony and Josh's heart swelled when he saw Tyler's eyes light up upon seeing the cityscape below them. "It's beautiful," Josh found himself saying.

"It is," Tyler blinked before looking at Josh. He gently pressed his lips to the blonde's and wrapped his arm around his waist, pulling Josh closer. Josh's hand made its way up to Tyler's cheek and held it as they softly kissed. Josh led him over to the wall and pressed him against it, kissing him harder. Tyler's other hand flew up to Josh's hair and he carded his fingers through it.

Josh pulled back and brought his lips down to Tyler's neck, sucking lightly but not hard enough to make marks before kissing back up his jaw. Tyler let out a soft noise of pleasure and Josh chuckled against his skin. He pulled back, his hand resting on Tyler's cheek still. "Let's get to bed. I'm exhausted and I have to wake up early in the morning."

"Okay," Tyler smiled softly before the two walked back into the room and Josh looked the balcony door behind them. He turned around to continue walking when he saw Tyler looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "One bed?"

Josh blushed slightly. "I didn't think you'd mind. If it's weird I can sleep on the couch. Plus I already booked the room before I even thought about asking you to come with me."

Tyler giggled. "No I don't mind. We've just never stayed with one another before. I like it though. I've been waiting for you to cuddle me."

Josh laughed as well. "Do you want me to go to the bathroom to change?"

"If you want. I don't care," Tyler assured. "I'm just wearing the shirt under my sweatshirt and shorts since it's kind of warm outside," he shrugged, walking over to his suitcase.

"Okay," Josh replied, going over to his suitcase. He was just going to sleep in boxers and change out of his own sweatshirt and into a shirt.

He heard Tyler rumbling around behind him so he grabbed his own things and turned, pulling his shirt off. Out of no where, he heard a low whistle. "Damn."

Josh turned around about to ask Tyler why he whistled when the younger's eyes widened. "What?" Josh asked.

"I thought your back looked good but holy fuck your stomach looks like stone," he blinked, staring right at Josh.

The blonde chuckled and threw his shirt on, taking his jeans off and discarding them off to the side. "Well thank you."

"Of course," Tyler replied. "I'm gonna go brush my teeth. I'll be back."

Josh made a noise of acknowledgement and sat on the edge of the bed, getting his phone out and going to the alarm to make sure he was up early enough for his conference. It started at nine and he had a panel at noon but he wanted to check out a few booths and such before he had to be back there at 10:45.

A few moments passed and Josh sat there, texting Jenna and letting her know he made it safely. She worried about him far more than she should. He's an adult.

Suddenly, he felt the bed dip and arms wrap around him. Tyler rested his chin on Josh's shoulder and hummed contently. "Hurry up and brush your teeth so I can be the little spoon while I pass out from exhaustion."

Josh smiled and turned, pressing a kiss to Tyler's lips. "Got it," he pulled back before grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste and going into the bathroom.

He ran his toothbrush under the water before he laid the minty paste on the bristles and ran it back under. Setting it in his mouth, he began brushing as he let his mind wander. He really, really liked Tyler and he was glad the brunette wanted to come with him. It was their first time spending more than half a day together and he just hoped nothing happened to show them that it wouldn't work.

He sighed happily, finishing brushing his teeth and spitting before rinsing his mouth and leaving the bathroom.

His heart fluttered when he saw Tyler laying there, doing something on his phone. It was such a simple image but Josh was looking at someone he cared about. A lot.

Tyler noticed him staring and smirked. "Come cuddle me and stop staring you creep."

Josh laughed and climbed in bed, wrapped his arms around Tyler once the younger had his phone set down. Tyler melted into his embrace and sighed contently. "You're so cute," Josh found himself saying.

"I know," Tyler hummed, grabbing one of Josh's hands and playing with his fingers. "Hey do I have to go with you to your weird tech thingy tomorrow?"

Josh almost shook his head when he realized Tyler was facing away from him. "No. I think you'll be bored the whole time so I won't make you go. I was planning on leaving you money and you could go explore or shop or just chill out here or whatever you wanted."

"Perfect," Tyler yawned. "I'm exhausted. Night, J."

"Night, baby," Josh replied.

The blonde went to sleep with a smile on his face next to someone he cared about deeply. There was one thought running through his head before he lost consciousness: he just hoped the universe didn't fuck this up for him.

Better yet, he hoped he Josh didn't fuck this up for himself.

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