6. Boxing

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Josh put all his strength into the punching bag in front of him, hitting it repeatedly harder and harder each time.

"And then," grunt. "He fucking," grunt. "Made me," grunt. "Give him," grunt. "My," grunt. "Number!"

"J, don't tire yourself out too quickly or the session will be over faster than you know," his boxing mentor and longtime friend, Jake, chuckled.

Josh let his arms fall down to his sides, panting. He hadn't realize how worked up he was about the events from two nights before. He had dwelled on them all day yesterday and just exploded when he got to his boxing lessons at the gym.

It was currently Saturday and the only day off he ever took during the week. Jenna always took that day off too and persuaded Josh to do so also so they could at least see each other once a week since both of them were so hectic. Josh figured sitting in an office all day wasn't healthy so he had taken up boxing and bought a gym membership a couple years prior and always used Saturdays to work out as well. That's really all he did: work and work out.

"Sorry," he wiped the sweat off his forehead. "I didn't think I was this upset over it."

"This guy practically harassed you, Josh," Jenna spoke up from where she sat on one of the padded mats, helping her son, Emerson, learn how to walk. Her three year old daughter, Hallie, was at daycare for the day but Emerson was too young to go there so Jenna usually brought him with to the gym and played with him. "You have every right to be upset."

"And he just walked up to you?" Jake asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah," Josh nodded. "I think he's friends with the bartender that was working because I'm 99 percent sure he tried flirting with me too. I was just too concerned with work to care about rejecting him," he repositioned himself and threw another punch at the bag in front of him but made sure not to put as much strength into it.

Jenna was saw diagonal to him and out of the corner of his eye he saw her give her husband a look. "So you got his number?"

"Yeah," punch.

"Has he tried contacting you?"

"No," punch.

"Are you going to contact him?"

Josh was in the middle of a swing and stopped so abruptly that Jake had to hold him steady so he didn't stumble. "What?" He stared at his best friend like she had gone mad. "Hell no. I'm not into dudes."

Jenna looked skeptical. "What about when we were in college and you had a crush on that guy named—"

"Jenna!" Josh's face turned red. "It was college. Everyone experiments in college," he justified.

"It's alright man, you know I don't care," Jake assured. "Besides Jenna already told me this."

"Jenna!" Josh scolded again.

"What? We're married of course I've told him," Jenna defended herself. "Getting back on topic, what did you say this guy's name was again?"

"Tyler," Josh watched as Jake moved back and began wrapping his hands, knowing this was when they did one on one training. He took his gloves off so all he had left was his previously wrapped hands.

"Maybe you should call him," Jenna suggested.

If Josh didn't think she was crazy before, he was sure she was insane now. "Did you miss the part where he harassed me?"

"Josh, when's the last time you had sex?"

Josh remained quiet. This was easier to tell Tyler when he was a total stranger and Josh was trying to deflect him. It was awkward when his best friend asked because best friends usually talk about this kind of stuff and he was embarrassed of how long it had been. He watched as Emerson fell to the ground and babbled nonsense as he stood back up.

"Has it really been that long?" Jake questioned, looking shocked.

"I don't have the time I—"

"Have a business to run," Jenna finished, her voice bored. "We know, J," she sighed.

"Why would I call him if I'm not into dudes? All it will do is lead him on," Josh asked Jenna as he turned towards Jake, throwing a punch. Jake easily dodged it and threw one at the blonde who dodged it as well.

"Have you ever considered why you're single?" she asked. "And don't say it's because you have a business to run. That's a lie and we both know it. Owning a business doesn't mean you can't be in a relationship."

Josh remained quiet as he punched at Jake again. His mind wandered as he kept extending throw after throw and he didn't even realize how hard he was hitting until he almost caught Jake in the jaw. "Josh!"

The blonde stopped, staring at him. Maybe Jenna was right. Maybe he was into dudes after all. He did like that one guy all those years ago and he figured he had always been too busy with work to explore his sexuality.

He sighed and began taking the wrapping around his hands off. He was done for the day. "Maybe you're right," he voiced aloud.

"I'm always right," Jenna replied, a smile in her voice. "Right, Jake?"

"Of course," he nodded as he began unwrapping his own hands.

"Seriously though maybe you should give Tyler a chance," Jenna encouraged. "If he turns out to be a horrible person then you can never talk to him again and move on. Maybe he was just horny or something and didn't realize he was going too far."

"Oh he was definitely horny," Josh scoffed, remembering what he had whispered in his ear.

"At the very least you could always just hook up with him to see if you are into guys," Jake suggested.

"You both know one night stands aren't my thing," the businessman chuckled. "It's one of the main reasons I haven't had sex in such a long time."

"I still think you should at least try something and see where it goes. Who knows? Maybe you guys are soulmates," she teased, standing up and walking over to her things so she could get Emerson's coat on him for when they left in a few minutes.

Josh bit his lip before letting go and sighing once more. He knew Jenna wouldn't leave him alone about this until he put the effort in. He couldn't lie to her either. She would know. "Fine."

Jenna looked up at him from where she was sipping her son's coat up and grinned. "Really?"

"Yes," he grumbled.

She squealed excitedly as she picked Emerson up. Jenna walked over to Josh and pointed at him. "Uncle Josh is gonna get laid," she said in a baby voice. Emerson's face brightened at the tone even though he didn't comprehend what his mom was saying and he made grabby hands at Josh.

"Jen..." Jake groaned.

Despite his annoyance, Josh smiled and took his godson from Jenna. He held the toddler to him and ruffled the small amount of brown hair he had on his head. "I don't know if I'm getting laid, bud, but I'm sure as hell gonna try."

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