26. Guidance

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Warning for vague smut later in the chapter! I'll put *** (which is different from --- so please check lol) where it starts and ends if you want to skip it. You can comment for a summary if needed!

I did not write the smut because I have read smut twice in my life and would not have any clue on how to write it so thank you so much to neonpython for doing so for me

Josh and Tyler walked down street together, hand in hand. Josh wasn't as worried about PDA in California. Although he was technically a public figure, he rarely got harassed in public. And everyone knew who he was in Columbus. Not everyone here knew him. He had nothing to worry about.

Josh thought Tyler looked adorable today. He was wearing the same sweatshirt he had worn on the plane and had denim shorts on with his white Converse Josh knew he had bought the other day. The blonde didn't mind it. He had the money to spend and he knew Tyler didn't.

Tyler was humming something to himself as they passed by people on the street, subconsciously swinging their hands back and forth. Josh smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek, causing the younger to look over and giggle. "What?"

"You just looked cute, sorry," Josh blushed and looked down at his feet.

"Don't ever apologize for complimenting me you know I love it," Tyler replied. "If it means anything you look cute too."

"Thanks, baby," Josh smiled, rubbing the top of his hand with the pad of his thumb.

They continued walking when suddenly Tyler gasped, stopping and going over to a building Josh instantly recognized as a tattoo parlor. "Tyler—" he began, getting ready to shake his head when he stopped, seeing what he was looking at.

He was staring through the window at group of girls, one of them laying on the chair and getting a navel piercing.

"Oh, Joshie," he gushed. "I wanted to get my belly button pierced in high school but never got around to it," he sighed, huffing slightly. "I didn't bring any money for it though."

Josh's heart swelled at 'Joshie'. "I can pay for it," he offered. "I bought you other stuff if you want to get your belly button pierced I'll pay for it," he leaned down into his year. "Plus I think you'd look really fucking hot with one."

Tyler pulled back and there was a light blush on his face. He looked up at Josh and pulled him by the front of the shirt in for a kiss. Josh reciprocated passionately, ignoring all the dirty looks they were no doubt getting from their public make out session. "Okay."

They pulled back and Josh grinned, a laugh escaping his lips. "Alright, let's go get your belly button pierced."


Josh was laying on the bed with Tyler on his chest, watching some show on TV Josh wasn't paying attention to. He was too busy watching Tyler.

The brunette had his shirt off since it hurt too much when it touched his stomach. He was watching the TV intently, his hand was tangled up in Josh's hair and he was absentmindedly playing with it.

Josh watched as he would blink and occasionally sniffle. How he would snuggle closer to Josh and let out a quiet groan when the show went to commercial.

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