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emma's pov

i need to shower... i mean i'm at home and all alone so i probably should. i walk upstairs and start my shower so it can be warm when i get in. i connect to my speaker and start music as i look for an outfit.

i'm gonna wear these bright ass mint green shorts and a white cropped long sleeve shirt. i lay out my clothes. then i go and get into the shower. The Weekend by SZA start playing as i got into the shower. "ooo yes queen!!" i start singing very loudly. i'm so glad i live alone in these moments.

in the shower i couldn't stop thinking about ethan. what the fuck emma, stop. then i decide to tweet for our challenge but also because i thinking of him.

emma chamberlain:
can't stop thinking about you💙

the fans are gonna hate me after this challenge is over. eh, it's fine. now back to my casual shower thoughts.

*after shower*

i get out and get dressed. i want coffee now. i go down the stairs and over to the coffee machine that ethan got for me. i make my normal coffee with almond milk in a mason jar i put a lid on it with a straw hole. then i go over to the couch and sit. then i text ethan.

hey my main man, you free?

always for you😉

great ya flirt, c o m e  o v e r! i miss you and i want cuddles💙

awww you miss me💙. i  a m  c o m i n g  o v e r  n o w.

great see you hoe:)

you too😝

only ethan. i swear we have the best conversations. now i have to wait. ugh, i hate being inpatient.

*once ethan arrives*

"ding!" my door bell rings. yay!!! i run up to the door and see some eye candy standing at the door;). "ethan!!" i jump onto him and wrap my legs around his body. he places his hands on my thighs to hold me up. "i miss you too emma." he says as he carries me over to the couch and lies down gently. as he comes over me holding himself up with his arms. "have i ever told you that you are gorgeous?" he says as he leans in to kiss my cheek.

"e! i hope you know that you are true eye candy🥰." he smirks at me and leans in. i lean in as well. ethan leans in to fill the gap between our lips. our kiss intensifies. i wrap arms around ethan's torso and pull him down so his body is closer to mine. then he manages to flip us so i'm on top of his muscular body.

we pull away and look at one another. i put my hand against his abs, damn. i feel them through his shirt. "wow." ethan says breaking the silence between us. "damn e" he smirks at me as i make my comment. "have you been working out?" he nods and kisses the top of my head gently.

as we are lying there our phones both buzz at the same time. then we both make eye contact with one another and say at the exact same time. "sister squad." we both say that and start laughing. "we truly are good for one another," ethan says between laughs. i decide to my phone just to see what they said.

sister squad💯
james💄💋: GUYS! we need to hangout about now!
gray🥴: I can but ethan and emma are to busy on top of one another.
emma🤩: shut the fuck up. ethan and i are making coffee. (i lie, they don't need to know everything.)
ethan🤪: ya stop assuming you ass hat
gray🥴: damn they are teaming up now. okay well everyone come over in 15 minutes we should swim.
emma🤩: okay be there in 25 minutes;)
james💄💋: classic sister emma
ethan🤪: emma and i will come over in 20 minutes.
gray🥴: ok bye.

haha ass hat, i'm gonna start using that. "oh i saw your tweet this morning." ethan says. "ya i needed to sir the tea." i smirk. "well maybe you need some more love." ethan flips us again and begins kissing me once again. how does he keep on flipping us so smoothly. but damn his lips feel like heaven.

we pull away. "ethan. you are so fucking cute." i boop his nose and hug him. "thanks beautiful." he kisses my forehead gently. then we both decide to get up. "e!! can i wear one of your sweatshirts?" he nods and takes off his sweatshirt that he had on. "but if so i get to wear one of your scrunchies." i hand him one of my velvet scrunchies. "here." he grabs it and puts it on his wrist. then ethan and i take a pic for his twitter of us holding hands.

i'm wearing his ionic pink sweatshirt as he is wearing one of my scrunchies. which was visible in the photo. then ethan captioned it '💙' and posted the picture of us holding hands. then i run upstairs grab a swimsuit and then grab ethan's hand and we leave.

"can we get Phil's pleaseeeee?"ethan laughs and nods. "yes thank you babe!!!" oops just called him babe. "did you just call me babe?" ethan looks shook. "ya sorry.." he stops as a red light and looks at me. and doesn't respond for a a few seconds then. "it was cute." he says as he lays his hand on my upper thigh. "your cute." he adds. i blush. shit. emma stop. i look out the window to avoid him seeing.

"hi can i get 1 large iced coffee with almond milk, and 1 iced vanilla latte. thank you" ethan orders. i place my hand onto of his hand which is still on my thigh. "ok that we'll be $7.89. can i get a name please?" the order asks. "ethma. e-t-h-m-a. thank you." haha i love ethan. "okay thank you." we drive up to the next window.

"hi, here is my card. thank you." ethan then his credit card. "hey! it was my turn." ethan paid again. ugh. "not in a million years, love." he smiles and winks at me. "here you guys go." the lady hands us our drinks. "thank you." ethan grabs them and places them into the cup holders.

then we drive away. "that was cute." i say as he continues driving. "you're cute." he looks over at me and turns over his hand to hold mine. I decide to take a picture for our challenge. hehe.

The picture has my thigh in it and shows my scrunchie on his wrist and his sweatshirt that i'm wearing of his. i caption it; 'driving wouldn't be the same without you💙.' the fans probably are going to kill me. "e?" i stare up at his fantastic jawline. "ya em?" he replies instantly. "you know you are amazing, and hot right?" ethan looks over at me and blushes. "i got so fucking lucky." he puts his hand on my cheek.


that's this chapter! sorry it's kinda all over the place. i haven't had tons of time to update. school is stressing me out, but next week i have a break so yaaa:)

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bye y'all

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