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ethan's pov

"gray, i don't want to go." i argue with him. "ethan, i did not give you an option." we argue more. "why do we even need move to canada to take care of some people that are somehow related to us that WE DONT EVEN KNOW!!" i raise my voice. "IT IS DAD'S BROTHER!! ethan stop being so selfish all the fucking time!" i want to punch him in the mouth so bad. but instead i yell louder back. "I AM NOT FUCKING SELFISH! I JUST DO NOT UNDERSTAND WHY WE HAVE TO MOVE FOR SOMEONE WHO DAD DIDNT EVEN FUCKING LIKE!" i take a deep breath after all that yelling. grayson's mouth opens like he is going to yell back but then it closes. he stares at me intensely. then his mouth opens up, of course. "ETHAN YOU BARELY EVEN KNEW DAD, SO DONT CLAIM SHIT THAT YOU KNOW ISNT TRUE! ESPECIALLY ABOUT OUR DEAD FATHER!"

i am speechless, i am so hurt and betrayed and confused and angry. i look at gray with hatred in my eyes then i walk away to my room. as i am leaving the living room i hear the front door open. i didn't even turn around to see who it was. i just stomped very angrily to my room.

emma's pov

i decided i'm going to surprise ethan with some coffee, we haven't hung out in a few days due to busy schedules so i am just going to his house.

i pull up and hop on out of my car and grab my phone, keys, and coffee. i walk up to the door to knock and i hear screaming. the twins are probably fighting. i'm just going to walk in.

i open the door and see ethan's back as he stomps to his room and grayson just standing there in the living room. "hey." i wave to gray as i walk into the house. he stands there speechless. i wave my hand in his view and he still is just standing there. i shrug and walk to ethan's room. his door is shut, which is not a very common thing. they must have fought hard. i knock.

*knock knock knock*

"gray, not now." ethan says

"it's emma."

"oh.. come in."

i walk in and hold up coffee. he stands up, his face is red. he pulls me into a deep hug. i hug his back. he must be really upset. we both pull away and i peck him on the lips. "here." i hand him is coffee with a kiss on the cheek. "thanks babe." he smiles shallowly. he sits down on the edge of the bed and sighs. i put down my stuff on his desk then i sit down next to him.

"e, what wrong?" i slip my hand into his. "gray and i got into a fight... like a really bad one." his voice is full of guilt. "hey, it's ok siblings fight all the time. but at the end of the day they always end up loving each other." i smile at him. he thinks about what i said then he looks at me confused.

"how do you know that? you don't have any siblings." he chuckles. i roll my eyes at his comment. "i just know." i boop him on the nose. he shakes his head and smiles at me. i feel myself fall in love all over again. his eyes, his smile, his laugh. i swear i have heart eyes whenever he's around.

"what were you and gray fighting about?" i ask in a gentle way. his smile fades away, he looks down at his hands. "well um.. gray wants us to move in with our Dad's brother, in.... Canada." my entire world slows down. "Canada?" i stand up and start pacing back and forth. "ethan..." i try to calm down, but i can't. my heart is racing but i feel like i'm in slow motion. "em. it's ok we will work this out. i'm not leaving la, i promise." he stands up and stops me from pacing.

"ethan, i... i can't loose you. i need you in my life and you know what people always say long-distance doesn't work out. ethan, i need you. i know that gray wants you to move but please. i need my best friend and my boyfriend. i... i need you. please don't leave me." i break down in his arms. he hugs his arms tightly around my body. i cry into his shoulder. "em. i will not leaving you. we will figure this out." he reassures me. i want to punch someone but i also just want to be held in tightly...

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