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emma's pov

*ring ring ring*

oh ethan's calling me, i thought he was suppose to be filming right now. eh. he probably just wants to hangout.

"hey babe, what's u-" i get cut off. "emma." it's grayson, what the fuck. "oh hey gray." i say back over the phone.

"emma, i need you to meet me at the emergency room closest to your apartment. like now." the er? "what? are you ok? is ethan ok? gray!" i basically yell over the phone. "ethan had a fall, no time to explain just meet me there. we are in an ambulance." gray quickly says then hangs up the phone.

i  run upstairs put on leggings and a random sweatshirt then i grab my phone and my car keys. i feel my body start tensing up as i am walking to my car. i try to breath and remain calm and i get into my car and drive to the hospital. all i can do is pray that ethan is ok.

i finally find a parking spot and i run into the hospital. i see gray sitting in the waiting room running his hands in this hair. "what the hell happened?" i kind of freak out at him. "well... um. sit down." he makes me sit down in the chair next to him. "ok so we were collabing with the funk bros. ethan was scootering around on the ramps and all that. then we were recording and ethan was standing at the edge of the highest ramp, it was probably 8-10 feet high and he somehow lost his balance and somehow fell off the edge of the ramp." gray says, not looking into my eyes at all.

"gray!" 2 white average height men walk in. "this is the funk bros." grayson introduces them to me. "this is emma, ethan's girlfriend." i smile at the boys. we all sit down and wait.

i pace around the waiting room and awhile and walk over to the vending machines to get something. i just want to see ethan.

after about 20 minutes of waiting anxiously, a doctor comes into the waiting room. "you must be here for ethan dolan correct?" we all nod and stand up. "ok so ethan is awake now, but he has 5 stitches in his head and a broke wrist." the doctors says. my breathing kind of slows down. "may we see him?" grayson asks. "only a few people, sorry. also we would like to keep him here over night just in case. but overall ethan is very lucky. "the doctor finishes and walks away. the 2 boys told gray and i to go spend time with him. i smile at them and walk into the hallways of intense lights and the smell of  disinfectant.

i open the door, gray follows behind me. i see ethan sitting on the bed with a white bandage wrapped around his head and a black cast on his left wrist. he sees me and smiles. i walk over to the side of his bed. "em. it's not as bad as it looks." he tries to tell me. "ethan.." i start to break down after holding it in for to long. he pulls me into a tight hug, i cry into his chest. "emma, im ok." he kisses the side of my head. "i know, but you almost weren't." i pull away and wipe my tears away and i peck his lips. "ok i will let you and gray have sometime together." i turn to walk out of the room.

"wait em." ethan calls. i turn back around. "stay, i want you here." he pats the bed and scoots over. i walk over and kiss his cheek then lay down next to him. "e, do you remember the fall?" gray asks ethan. "i don't." he shrugs. "wanna see a recording?" gray asks, very insensitively. "grayson, how about we let ethan sleep?" i ask. trying to gear the conversation away from the accident. "ok, do you to say hi to the funk bros?" gray asks. "g, i think they are cool and very kind people but i am tired and i just want too rest." ethan says, gray nods his head. "i'm going to talk with them for a little." gray turns towards the door.

ethan's eyes shut and the monitor begins to beep. i freak out. "get the nurse!!" i yell as i am trying to wake up ethan. i feel like i am shaking a lifeless body. the nurses all run in. "we have a code blue! get the crash cart!!" the nurses yells. i stand by ethan's bed holding his hand until i get ordered out by a nurse. gray comes over and has to lift me up and carry me out of the room. i see them remove ethan's gown and get ready to shock his body as i am leaving the room.

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