[17] War

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YOUR P.O.V (I wrote 'your dogs' first and I have no fucking idea why)

When we arrived back at the fountain, John placed me back on the ground.

"Are you okay?"

He asked when you finally touched the ground again


He smiled and wrapped you in a hug

"Sorry again"

"No need to apologize"

I mumbled in his chest


Lucia yelled as she ran circles around me and John, who were still hugging

I broke the hug and blushed a deep shade of red.

"W-we should get Thor and Loki now"

I mumbled as I tried to escaped the 'cage' Lucia was forming by running so hard

I quickly walked out and looked around, trying to find Loki and Thor. Then, as if they heard me thinking, two white shepherds ran towards me. One started chewing on my leg and one was sitting in front of me. Hoping to get a 'good boy' or something from me.

I immediately knew it were Loki and Thor

"Thor, let go of my leg please"

He looked up at me and tilted his head to the right

"Let. Go"

I said, looking at Thor, who was chewing like he was gonna die if he let go.

"Thor, I love you, but let go"

Then Loki stood up and lifted his left paw, hitting his brothers head

I laughed and petted Loki's head

"Thank you"

I leashed Loki and Thor and walked back to the others.

"We're good to go."

Then Thor ran towards Lucia and started chewing on her leg

"Thor, you have one crazy addiction. It's getting unhealthy now"

I said as I pride him of Lucia's leg.


When we arrived back home, I opened the gate and walked into the front yard. Just as I set my first step in, my face met a water balloon. I quickly shut my eyes, embracing for the impact. I felt ice cold water drip down my face


I said as I jumped around. When I finally opened my eyes again, I saw Alexander laying on the ground, laughing loudly and tears streaming down his face.

"You better run Alex"

I said as I handed the leash to John. Alex immediately stopped laughing and gulped. He quickly got up and ran away. I didn't hesitate and followed him as fast as I could


Alex got up from the ground and started running. Y/N handed me the leash and started chasing Alex


I heard before the voices died down. It was quiet for a minute

"Do you think she got him?"

Eliza whispered

Then a loud scream was heard

"I think she did"

I whispered back


I heard Alex scream from the backyard.

"Should we help him?"

Eliza asked

"I'm gonna check the situation out. I'm not gonna help him, I just wanna see how Y/N kills him"

Peggy said as she walked away

Angelica shrugged and grabbed Lucia's arm, dragging her to the backyard. Eliza laughed as she closed the gate. When the gate closed, I unleashed Loki and Thor

"Now, let's see if Alexander has died yet"

Eliza said, trying to hide a laugh



Y/N was standing on top of the diving board, holding some essays that Alexander wrote when he got here, just above the pool

She was smiling mischievously

Laf and Herc were cheering Y/N on as Angelica and Lucia appeared in the garden. They stood beside me and noticed Y/N on the diving board

Alexander was on his knees, begging Y/N not to throw his essays in the water.

"Fine, let's make an agreement"

Y/N said

"You did not win this war AT ALL!! I just showed you my mercy. I will not drown your essays, but you better be prepared for a prank week"

I heard Lucia 'ooh'

"What is a prank week?"

Herc and Laf asked at the same time

"It's a week, where you do all sorts of jokes with a person. Like putting salt in his coffee instead of sugar, or placing whipped cream on his hand as he is sleeping."

Herc and Laf laughed

"And is everyone able to participate in this prank week?"

I asked, helplessly wanna join

"Of course BUT!!! Once you join, you have to hold on till the end of the week. The person who has succeeded in the most pranks, wins the prank war. Who's in?!"

Alex put his hand up, wanting to say no, but he had no choice. I also shot my hand up. Lucia smirked and also put her hand up.

Just then John and Eliza walked in

"What did we miss?"

Eliza asked, looking at our hands, which were in the air

"Y/N just declared a prank week. It's a week where you pull out jokes on each other. The one who has succeeded in the most pranks at the end of the week wins"

Eliza snickered and John laughed

"Anyone else wants to join?"

Y/N asked. No one else raised their hand.

"Well then, from tomorrow on, Margarita Schuyler, Alexander Hamilton, Lucia Andrea De Pasquale, and I, Y/N Valéry Y/L/N are in a prank war. It is allowed to drag people, who are not officially in this war, into your conspiracy. You can use their pranks, BUT you, and only you, will get credit for it. People who still want to join.....you can't anymore. You can work for multiple people, as long as you don't start your own team, because it is not allowed and you will be disqualified immediately. Am I clear?!"

"Yes Ma'am"

Lucia, Laf, Alex and John said at the same time. They looked at each other in shock and started laughing.

"Why are we still here? We have a war to win!!"

She said as she climbed down and threw the essays in Alex' hands

"You're going down"

I heard Y/N mumble to Alex

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