Chapter 12: Frontmen Don't Like Secrets

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This chapter only exists in this form because MmmWhatever asked for it---the plane scene told from Leed's perspective. I hadn't planned to debut Leed's POV in this book, but once I thought about really does work here! So thanks MmmWhatever...great insight!

It might be the only time we have a Leed POV chapter in URGENT, because midway through the book we will pick back up with Trace's and Kat's POV's about 25% of the time.  So are you guys ready to get inside Leed's brain? It's an interesting place, for sure!....


I sit upon this plane, high in the sky, with one theme to my thoughts:

Man, this tour is UNFUN.

First off, my bedbuddy quit me.

This I cannot understand. I've always treated Tams right. I worship her in bed like the goddess she is.

Well, you know...except when some super cute hippie-chick fangirl catches my eye for the evening. Or when a VS Angel descends upon me with her heavenly allure. But Tams knows I'm always coming back around to her. I could always count on Tam for the best snuggle-ups. Those other girls don't know me like she does.

Now, she's snuggling up with somebody else. It's either Andy the sound tech or one of the security guys, or possibly Riley. Even though he said no, I haven't ruled him out. Riley is one cool cat under pressure. Possibly he even practices lying under polygraph.

But back to the issue. I hate secrets. If Tams would just tell me who she's fucking on this tour instead of me, I could resolve this problem.

I could fire the bastard.

Okay, I'm talking shit. I wouldn't really do that. Too much karmic blow back.

Plus, it's not nice.

So here I am, shut out of my happy place (yes, I'm talking about Tam's vagina) and to make matters worse—I've somehow landed in the trenches of leadership territory.

This is my second big unfun factor: I do not want to run this band. I do not appreciate Trace chasing tail all over Atlanta and leaving me to deal with Dawes and Marcy and band stuff. I know I'm the frontman on stage...but this has always been Trace's band. Now he's missing cues and causing friction with the brands and punching people and trying to get in Little Sister's pants like he's going to find THE golden pussy down there. Not to mention, he seems to have lost all empathy for his hurting, lonely, heartbroken fake-wife. Ashlynn's running around the country high as this airplane, and he's cool with that, apparently.

He's just trippin the days away, making shit up as he goes. Hell, he's acting like me, and forcing me to act like him.

This ain't no Freaky Friday.

I want my lane back, ya know?

And now, he's sitting in the seat across from me, whispering with Little Sister. Did I mention I hate when people keep secrets?

Yeah, I fucking hate it. Especially when it's the person I'm closest too in the world, keeping secrets from me.

I throw ice at Kat, and mess with her a little, but my heart isn't in giving Trace and Little Sister a hard time.

So here's the real unfun that's harshing my buzz: Mac is starting shit up with Adam and trying to hide it from me.


They are ridiculously obvious. I mean, look at them. Sitting over there on the other side of the plane, eye-fucking each other at the same time they argue. They are so cliche.

URGENT (Book 2 of the Soundcrush Series)Where stories live. Discover now