Chapter 68: Nice Guys Draw The Short Straw

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Time to check in with Adam and see what's up  on the tour...


"Good morning, Gorgeous, this is your wake up call," I murmur into the phone with all the love and gentleness I can muster. I've been acting like an asshole for two weeks, and I am determined not to fuck this phone conversation up.

"Hey," Mac's voice is rough with sleep. "You sound wonderful. God, it's so early."

It's three am LA time. Mac and Dev are shooting the video for their song, The Siege, today. At some medieval castle a rich wine-maker built up in Napa Valley. She, Dev, and their teams have to make a crazy early flight to get up there, so I promised to be her wake up call this morning.

Our fight last night was less volatile than the couple of fights before that. Honestly, I think we are just running out of steam. You can only argue so much about the same stupid shit before you just don't give a fuck anymore. When we said our good-byes last night after running in circles until I was almost sober, I did something my anger and my pride, and maybe my state of inebriation, hadn't let me do in the last couple of weeks.

I prayed.

I prayed for a little help, a different avenue, a different view.

Then Riley rolled into my suite ten minutes ago with the morning skim and I thought maybe, just maybe, God has given me the little break we need. Right now, I'm in the best damn mood I've been in since our wedding night, but I'm going to surprise Mac later with the good news.

"It is very early, but all you have to do is roll that fine ass out of bed and shuffle to your waiting car. You can sleep on the plane."

"Hmmmm, maybe not," she says with a strange lilt to her voice.

"You tell Dawes, Dev and all other devils on that plane to back the fuck up off you and let you sleep. It's going to be a long damn day."

"They aren't the ones that might keep me awake," she says gleefully. "Adam, last night Babycakes woke me up. I can feel him moving. Really moving. Little flutters. All the time." Mac laughs a little hoarsely. "Like, right now. I can feel our baby moving. It's so cool."

Bright orange joy starts in my chest and spreads in all directions to hear Mac's laughter, knowing that our baby is the reason.

"Wow. Fucking wow. Shorty, that's incredible. What does it feel like?"

"Like soda bubbles in your throat, but in my belly instead."

I chuckle at Mac's description.

"Damn. That's cute, Mac, I..." I wish I could see her face, put my hand on our baby as she's sharing this with me, but I don't say that. I'm done with complaining on the phone. "I love the way you describe it. I love hearing you laugh about it. I miss you so much. Both of you. You know that, right?"

"I know," her voice is soft. "We miss you too. I'm so sorry about where we are right now. You know that I wish I were there with you. Every single day."

"I know." I do know that. But I also know that there's a part of Mac that loves LA, loves the game. And despite our fights in the last couple of weeks, she's thriving there. All her features are done, and most of the videos for the features too, except this last one with Dev, and only because it's turning into a highly elaborate production.

The label loves the track, and says it will be one of the biggest hits of the year. And they love Dev and Mac together, love Dev's whole noble rapper backstory, love crossing genres and mixing him with Alt Rock's Rising Queen.

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