Chapter 83: Little Sisters Get Advice From Front Men

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I like this chapter. Kat and Leed are a new combo! I hope you like it too?


Leed is holding my right hand as the doctor stitches my left. His lip is a little busted, and his voice is strained and rough because he took a swift punch to the throat during the fight, but his spirits are high. He's in story-teller mode.

"And so it came to be the very next night, that the dumbass-wannabe that stole our amp learned two valuable lessons. First, you never return to the scene of a crime. Second, Soundcrush will rain down your karma upon you. When he showed up the next night, I took his girl, and Trace took his keys and moved his car to the other side of campus. Of course, Preacher played the good guy and gave dumbass-wannabe a ride back to his apartment, but that was really just a set-up, because Bodie went along and he and Adam got our amp back. The dude looked for his car for two days. The girl went back to him, but I guarantee you she never craved him the same way, after a night with me. And all I did was slip her a little tongue...where it counts," he grins, then sticks out his rather impressive oral muscle.

"You should tell that one on stage," I wink at him, as the room erupts in laughter—Riley chuckling, Bridge's feminine peel of laughter sounding dangerously close to a fangirl's, and Row's snicker interspersed with "hell-yeah's" and "dumb fucker deserved it's" as she high fives Leed over my head. He never lets go of my hand, or my gaze that he's captured, keeping my attention away from the needle sewing my skin.

The several shots of local anesthetic hurt much worse than the stitching does now. All I can feel is a mild tug as the doctor closes my cuts, but the view is pretty gory, so Leed is trying keep my attention away from it.

Dr. Kade peers over my shoulder, patting me lightly. "He's almost done, and it looks great. You won't have any problems healing, Kat."

"Wow, I've never done this with both an entourage and a review by a resident," the older doctor says sarcastically. Leed glares at him. Yeah, we all agree, Riley might have insisted for the most experienced plastics guy to come downstairs to the ER and stitch me up, but he's no Dr. Kade when it comes to bedside manner.

Dr. Jerk swirls his hands with a flourish and clips the stitching. "I'm done," he announces flatly, then snatches the curtain open. "Is there anyone that can bandage and give her after care instructions?" With out waiting for an answer from all the nurses who look very busy, he rises, and says to me, "Someone will be in to finish you up shortly. He looks from my henna tat's to Leed real ones to Row's false-gray hair and nose stud. "Good luck. With a crowd like this, it might not be your last trip to the ER."

"If that's the case, I hope she finds herself with damn sight better care than here. She waited in chairs for hours, and these lacerations were deep and the bleeding profuse. If I hadn't cleaned and temporarily bandaged her hand on the way here, she could already be working up a life threatening sepsis. She deserved better triage, and more compassionate attention," Kade says as he jerks open one of the medical cabinets and pulls out bandages, preparing to wrap my wounds.

"You can't do that," the Dr. Jerk says. "You don't have privileges here."

"You want my medical license number to issue a complaint?" Kade says with a calm smile. "We can exchange them. You take mine, I'll take yours."

"Whatever," the grumpy old doctor says as he turns. A nurse yells after him. "Dr. Krauss, please don't go anywhere! A real plastics case coming in...the sheriff just called ahead. Someone famous, apparently!"

"Fuck, I'm famous!" Leed calls out and everyone in my cubicle, plus a few of the nurses roaming around who have been swooning over him, all laugh again.

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