Chapter 31

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A/N: Yessssss. I have made a chapter. We are so close to the kissing scene.




I was seated next to Xavier with a half empty plate of food with one part of my "famous" burger and no fries left. "So," I said, stealing one of Xavier's fries. "Why are we here again?"

Both May and Sergio looked at each other and then looked at me. They both looked hesitant as if there was a real reason behind the fake one.

"Well, to see me, duh," our waitress said, placing a plate of fries in front of me. "I forgot how much you like Mom's fries," she added.

I looked at Alessandra and smiled. "They're still good as ever. My compliments to the chef."

Alessandra rolled her eyes, smiling. "She's trying to make a new dipping sauce. Do you want to try it?"

I shrugged. "Sure," I said. "Is it a missing ingredient that I am searching for or..?"

"Probably," she said, holding the tray that she had. "Mom thinks something is missing." She looked at the drinks and nodded her head. "I'll get that for you as well as a refill of on drinks. Is there anything else?"

The door opened, causing me to look at it. Two people walked in, both of them being a part of my group. They ignored us as they walked to a different table, but I knew that they had glanced at us, mainly at me.

"No, I think that is it," I said, my voice slightly softer. I took a deep breath and let it out as I tore my gaze away from them.

"Wait, I want a cookie," Clara said, causing me to look at her. "Can I get a cookie, now?"

"Not until you finish your meal," I said, seeing that she had half of her burger left.

"But, I am full," she said, dramatically, leaning back in her chair. "Please, let me have a cookie."

Two more people walked in. They went to where the other two were seated, glancing at us but not stopping.

"Then why do you want a cookie?" I asked, shifting in my seat. I was getting nervous. My whole body was tense, and everything in my being was telling me to run.

"Because their cookies are good," Clara said. She narrowed her eyes at me. "Or at least, that is what you say. I want to be a judge of that."

Xavier took my hand in his as two more people came in. He was watching them as well, his face guarded.

"I'll bring the cookie later," Alessandra said. "You're cousin is right. You'll have to finish your meal first." She winked at me, causing me to roll my eyes. "Cass had to finish everything before she got a cookie. Sometimes it was three plates of food before she could."

Parker dropped his fork and stared at me with wide eyes. "Seriously?" he asked, causing me to roll my eyes. "Three plates of food?"

"Yes," I said, nodding my head. "Sometimes more."

Alessandra shook her head and walked away to get our drinks. She had a smirk on her face because she knew that I had more plates of food.

"One time when we went to a buffet, Cass had eleven plates of food," Julian said, causing Justin to nod his head. "She was as sick as a dog afterward."

Two more Guardsmen walked in and took their place at the table with the others. Five more were needed to complete our whole group, and I had a feeling that they were nearby.

Xavier (1st bk of Wolfcreek Pack) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now