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    "What about you?" asked Willa after a little while. "Got any nasty exes you wanna rant about to me?"

     Isaac smiled sheepishly and his eyes crinkled up.

    "I'd say I'm around two steps away from actual monkhood. I mean- a few drunken kisses is about the extent of my love life. One of my best friends kissed me once and we were kinda tipsy but I- it turned out- well, she actually did want something. Like, me as a boyfriend sort of something. So I kinda messed up. I mean, I didn't think she wanted that so I brushed it off like it was just some casual accident because to be fair that's what I thought it was, but er- well, one of my other friends then yelled at me like two weeks later for being a complete dick and I just hadn't even realised."

    "Drama drama," Willa said dryly, and then smirked at him. "I can imagine that. You being totally oblivious, I mean. Did she forgive you in the end?"

     He shrugged.

"Sort of," he said.

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