Larry- Louis and child sick

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Some people genuinely think 😂 

Oliver- 8

I woke up way too early for my liking so I tried to pull Louis closer then realising the space was empty.

 I opened my eyes and looked around, Louis was nowhere to be seen. 

I checked the time and saw that it was 7:00. 

Just then Louis came into the room and greeted me with a smile and a "good morning love". 

"You too" I relaxed at his voice knowing he was here.

 "Why are you dressed?" I asked confused, i mean it was only 7 in the morning. 

"Got work love, remember?". 

Shit, I had forgotten. 

I started to get up when Louis stopped me. 

"Oh no love, you have a day off, it's just me, Niall and Liam that need to go". 

Hearing that, I still got out of bed and went downstairs to make breakfast.

 We both sat at the table and ate our pancakes with a lot of chattering. 

After I was finished I told Louis that I was going to wake up Oliver for school. 

He nodded for me to leave so I went in his room and slowly went in. 

"Oli, time to get up you have school" I said whispering. 

"Ugh Dad no, I feel sick, I have a stomachache". 

I saw that he had a hand on his stomach which was a sign but I felt his head and he wasn't warm.

 "You don't feel warm bub, just go to school yeah, if you feel worse just tell the nurse to call me and I'll come pick you up alright?" I said helping him out of bed. 

He slowly nodded before heading in the bathroom. 

I went downstairs to see my husband's head in his hands.

 "Babe, what's wrong?" I asked, my voice filled with concern. 

He shook his head, "mmm nothing love, just a headache" he looked up and saw his pale face and dark bags under his eyes. 

I decided to keep quiet because I trusted him so when he said it was just a headache, then it probably is just a headache.

 "Oliver said he's sick" I informed him. 

His head shot up and his eyes filled with worry.

 "Does he have a fever? Throw up?". 

I smiled at his concern and shook my head.

 "He's going to school, if it gets worse I'll pick him up don't worry".

 Louis relaxed before getting up and walking towards the door.

 I kissed him on the lips as a goodbye and with that he left. 

I walked back to the kitchen to see Oliver with his head in his hands just like Louis but he didn't finish his pancake. 

"What's wrong? Still sick?".

 He nodded in response. 

"Let's go bub". 

We both got into the car and I drove off, he clutched his stomach the whole time and I was getting a bit worried. 

He would be fine right? I kissed his cheek and said goodbye. 

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