Harry gets diarrhoea

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Ugh I woke up at...I don't even know but one things for sure, it was way to early for me to be up.

Anyway the reason was because of these terrible stomach cramps that shot through me.

Also I felt really sick.

My forehead was super sweaty as well as the rest of my body.

My hair stuck to my head and I was shivering.

We were on tour and the boys and I were in Amsterdam right now.

We stayed at a hotel and I was sharing a room with Zayn, not that I minded.

Because of the immense pain in my stomach due to the cramps, I couldn't help the tears falling.

I silently cried in bed, trying not wake and anyone and wishing the pain would go away and never come back.

I was clutching my lower abdomen when suddenly I felt really bad and I rushed to the bathroom and sat on the toilet.

That's when I started getting really bad diarrhoea.

It hurt so bad and I just sat there for a while, groaning and wincing in pain silently.

After quite a while, I got up and came out of the bathroom and checked the time...finally.

It was 2 am in the morning, great.

I dragged myself back to bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow, I was asleep, who knew I was so tired?

Just 20 minutes later, I woke up again and rushed towards the bathroom, always being careful to quietly shut the door making sure I didn't wake and bother anyone.

I had super bad diarrhoea and I didn't like it.

I have no idea what had gotten me so sick but I just wanted to be better now.

I managed to go back to bed and fall into a deep sleep.

Then, 20 minutes later, I woke up, AGAIN!

I rushed to the bathroom and repeated.

This went on for about four hours I'm guessing?

Just sleep for 20 minutes and then the need for the toilet.

I hate having diarrhoea.

Now it was around 6 in the morning and I was still repeating the same 20 minute sleep process...lucky me.

But this one time, I may have ran really loudly and shut the door a bit too hard because the next thing I knew, Zayn was knocking on the door.

"Haz? You ok in there?" He whispered, also aware that no one else but us were awake.

Honestly I didn't have the energy to respond, instead I groaned qute loudly.

Zayn decided to wait outside because when I finished up and opened the door, he was standing there with a concerned look on his face.

"What's wrong Hazza? You ok?

I didn't even have time to answer, I rushed back to the toilet, leaving the door open, I'm so smart aren't I?

I sat back on the toilet and again, had super bad diarrhoea, although this time, I was really nauseous.

Luckily I had Zayn who was right beside me, helping me with anything I needed.

I suddenly gagged into my hand which signaled Zayn to grab the bin and place it in my lap.

Then I started retching heavily which burned my throat and water came out the other end too.

Not good.

Zayn grabbed the hair tie on my wrist and pulled my hair back into a bun then rubbed my back.

The next morning the boys found me and Zayn in the bathroom.

They asked what happened and since I was way to tired to answer anyone, Zayn explained the whole story of how I barely got any sleep and how I had bad diarrhoea and a nauseous stomach.

The boys wished me better told us to tell them if I needed anything.

So all of that happened for the rest of the night and day, Zayn was with me the entire time. 

He looked after me until I was better and back on my feet.

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