Family sickness 2

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Harry soon finished and was drained. 

 Niall cleaned his grandson up and got him dressed before taking him back to bed. 

 He got Harry back to sleep before searching if they had any nappies from when the kids were little.

Liam woke up and groaned and held his tummy as he woke his wife.

 Kate woke up and helped a very weak Liam kneel in front of the toilet. 

 She was debating about taking him to hospital. 

Then Liam grabbed the trash can and heavily heaved into it. 

Kate sighed and decided to take her sick husband to the hospital. 

Liam hesitantly agreed. After getting him ready, she went to Niall who was proud of getting Harry to sleep after struggling with the nappy.

"Dad, I'm going to the hospital with Liam" Kate informed.

 Niall thought for a moment before saying, "maybe take Harry too, he can't stop going the toilet".

 Kate wasn't so sure but if it made her family better, she would take him. 

She nodded and picked up her sleeping son and got everyone in the care. 

Niall went to check up on Mariyah who was asleep on her bed. 

He saw that Louis was still in Kate and Liam's room so he put her on Mariyah bed so that Niall could look after them both.

 He sat on a chair and slowly dozed off.

Kate sighed as Liam threw up into the bucket he had on his lap while she drove. 

 She sighed sadly but was pleased that Harry was still sleeping.

Mariyah and Louis both stayed asleep.

 Niall fell asleep as he was exhausted from being up with Harry. 

Kate reached the hospital by the time Liam had stopped throwing up. 

She went in and let the doctor check him out. 

"Mr. Payne has a severe stomach bug, I will write down the medicine you need. 

In a few days he should be feeling better" the doctor informed.

Kaye sighed with relief then woke up Harry. 

The doctor then checked him up. 

"Your Harry here is wicked than Mr. Payne so he will need antibiotics". 

Kaye nodded, thanked the doctor and walked out. 

She walked up to the pharmacist with Harry in her arms and Liam by her side. 

When she got what she needed she drove home. 

To Kate's surprise, Niall, Mariyah and Louis were sound asleep. 

No one dared wake them up. 

After laying an asleep Harry down onto the couch, Kate took Liam upstairs and got put the sick bucket next to him. 

She went to Louis and felt his head, cooler. His fever was going away.

Kate smiled with relief and thrn felt Mariyah and sighed with relief when she felt she had no fever. 

She let the pair sleep and left her dad before checking on Liam who was almost asleep. 

She gave him his first dose of medicine before going to give Harry his. 

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