Liam's sick but he tries to hide it

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I woke up today with a sore stomach. 

Why did it have to be today, of all days?

 I mean today was our day off and me and the boys had a this whole day planned out. 

Couldn't I get sick when we had soundcheck and interviews?

 I rolled out of bed to feel my stomach churning.

 I didn't want to ruin this day for everyone because of me.

 I trudged into the bathroom and shut the door. 

Suddenly I was hit with a wave of nausea which thankfully passed quickly.

 I didn't know how long I'd last. 

Washing my face didn't make that much of a difference either.

 The dark bags under my eyes had lightened but my face was still pale as ever. 

I rummaged through the cabinets until I found stomach relaxers. 

After taking both pills, I suddenly felt really cold so I put on some jeans and a sweatshirt. 

I still had to look presentable since we were going out.

I went downstairs ever so slowly and saw that everything was quiet and no one was there. 

Right, I had forgotten that I was always the first one to wake me up no matter what.

 I walked into the kitchen and wondered if i needed any breakfast. 

A churn in my stomach was a decent answer.

 There was still and hour until the boys started waking up so I got a thick blanket and I sat in the couch, playing the tv at low volume.

 Before long I found myself slowly drifiting into sleep. 

When I woke up, my stomach was still in pain.

 I checked the time, 7:40. 

The boys would be up in around 20 minutes. 

Then I remembered I had to make breakfast, noooo. 

I knew my stomach could not handle this. 

But then again, I couldn't ruin our day off so I made myself get up and walk to the kitchen. 

I made pancakes for everyone but just as I finished making them, my stomach flipped.

 I put everything down and ran towards the bathroom. 

The second I reached the toilet, everything I had eaten for the past week was coming back up. 

Each retch made my throat burn. 

I cleaned up and walked back into the lounge and collapsed on the couch for about 10 minutes before Niall and Harry walked into the room.

 "Hey Liam" Niall chirped. 

"Liam you ok?" Harry asked suspiciously. 

"Yeah mate, just tired is all" he didn't seem to believe. 

"Hey Payno!" Louis said excitedly. 

I smiled back and then furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

 "Where's Zayn?". 

"Lazy ass wouldn't wake up" Louis informed me sassily, rolling his eyes. 

I knew I had to wake him up so I started to get up which jostled my stomach.

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