Louis and Harry both sick

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OMG! I'm so incredibly sorry guys. I know I've been gone so long. I was just busy with school and ugh. Anyway here the new chapter.  This is for Shannon1300. I hope this is ok. <3

Shannon woke up very early in the morning.

"Why am i up this early?" she thought.

She looked to her side and saw her boyfriend, Louis curled up inside the blankets snoring softly.

She smiled at him.

The boys were on tour and she had the privilege to go with them. Today, they had a day off which she and the boys were glad for. They had rented a villa an hour away from town so they could be alone. Smiling, she kissed Louis's cheek, rose and sat on the bed, soaking in the sun's rays. How she loved quiet times like this. She wished it could be like this all the time, her and Louis cuddled up in bed, enjoying each other's presence. Sure she loved going on tour with the boys and seeing different places. But sometimes the stress was too much.

Her thoughts were cut off by loud stomping outside their room.

Shannon got out of bed and walked outside, wondering who else would be awake this early.

Peeking her head outside the door, she caught a glimpse of someone running towards the bathroom. That was followed by faint sounds of retching.

Oh dear, she thought.

This was going to be a long day.

She opened the door completely and was hit with cold air.

God it's freezing.

Pushing aside her thoughts, she made her way to the bathroom. The sight that she saw broke her heart. Harry was kneeling over the toilet, throwing up everything he had in his stomach. Quickly, Shannon grabbed a nearby cloth and soaked it. Poor Harry was in so much pain, he didn't hear her come in. She draped the cloth over Harry's sweaty neck, startling him. He had a moment to look at her in sadness before he started throwing up again.

"Oh Harry" she said, kneeling beside him.

She pulled back his curls and rubbed his back, comforting him as much as I could. Finally, after what seemed like hours, Harry pulled back and leaned against her.

"Done Haz?" She asked stroking his hair.

"Think so.." he replied with a hoarse voice.

"How bout you brush your teeth then I'll make you some tea? Does that sound good?"

All Harry could do was nod. Shannon got up and helped the poor boy up too. He brushed his teeth then both made their way down the stairs. She had one arm around his waist and was supporting most of his weight. She felt so worried for the poor boy. She loved all the boys with all her heart and seeing one of them as poorly as this made her heart break. They reached the lounge room and she slowly and gently lowered Harry onto the couch.

"I'll go make your tea love, okay?" She said softly.

"Thanks Shannon" Harry mustered a smile.

She smiled and went into the kitchen and started on the tea. Then she suddenly felt her stomach grumble. She was hungry. Having a moment to think, she decided to make both her and Harry some toast, since he needed to eat even in his ill state. Harry in the other hand, was on the couch, clutching his stomach, his face laced with pain. His stomach was turning and it was making him so uncomfortable. He let out a small whimper and brought his knees up to his chest. He wished Shannon would hurry up so she could cuddle with him. When she was finished she brought the plate of toast and two cups of tea back to the lounge room. She hurried over to Harry who was now quietly sobbing and holding his stomach. Shannon sat next to him and held him.

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