Louis sick at work

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You know that place when you're half asleep and you can hear everything?

That's how I felt.

I heard my stomach grumble.

I managed to force myself be fully awake but I wish I was asleep because pain shot all through my body when I moved.

I winced and rolled over slowly to face my husband.

"Haz...Haz wake up" I nudged Harry.

"What do you want Louis? I'm trying to sleep" I could hear his annoyance which made me feel guilty.

"My stomach hurts" I could only whisper, that's how much it hurt.

"Then go find something to settle it" he said sternly.

I felt hurt both physically and emotionally.

I held back tears and got off the bed.

Just as I did though, my stomach flipped and I rushed over to the bathroom and started violently throwing up in the bathroom.

I didn't get to take a breath because I was vomiting so much.

I hated this.

I needed Harry.

Luckily, just then, he was right behind me, rubbing my back.

"Lou babe, are you ok?" He asked when I was done.

I had finally gotten time to catch my breath, "Yeah..yeah I'm ok".

"I'm really sorry I didn't help you Lou" I could just hear the concern and guilt laced in his voice.

"It's alright".

We headed back to bed, "Boobear do you need anything?".

I could tell he was trying to help me since he didn't the first time, he really was the best.

"Maybe some medicine and water".

He nodded before going outside our room.

I snuggled under the blankets for warmth since I was freezing.

Then Harry came back with some starch relaxers and water, oh and a thermometer.

He put his warm hand on my forehead and I leaned into his touch.

"Hmm, you're really warm. Open wide Lou, I need to see how high your fever is".

I sighed and let the cold metal slide under my tongue.

We waited for a few moments before it beeped.

"102, babe that's high, you're so warm" he looked at me, eyes filled with worry.

"But I'm cold" I whimpered, I hated being sick.

I'm always get hit with the worst sickness no matter what time of the year it was.

Me and Harry got back into bed and cuddled, then fell asleep due to the exhaustion.

The next morning I rolled over but I saw the space empty. I slowly rolled out of bed, forgetting that I was severely sick.

Pain shot through me as well as a wave of nausea.

I rushed off to the bathroom and again, puked in the toilet.

"Haz!" I whisper-yelled before throwing up some more.

No answer, I really hated getting sick.


This time, I heard running footsteps and then Harry burst into the bathroom and sat beside me.

"Oh Boobear, I'm so sorry, I was making breakfast and I didn't hear you" he ranted.

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