Zayn's sick and home alone with the kids

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Zayn woke up this morning feeling absolutely awful.

He had a fever and a stomach ache.

All through the night he was in the bathroom, releasing everything he had eaten in the past 3 days.

You were with him the whole time and neither of you got any sleep.

Luckily none of your kids woke up to Zayn's loud retching.

It was around 5 in the morning when you both got a bit of sleep.

Unfortunately you had to get up at 7 to get ready for work.

Another unfortunate turn of events was that it was a Saturday and your kids didn't have to go to school so they would definitely be annoying Zayn.

You had been called in to work an extra day this week and sadly you couldn't miss it.

"Babe, will you be ok?" You asked combing your fingers through Zayn's hair, you were debating to stay home and disobey your boss's orders to look after your sick husband.

"Yes! Go love, I'll be fine" he answered pushing you off the bed, trying to get you to leave so you won't be late.

You sighed before getting up, "ok then, call me if you need me back here, I'll tell the kids so they don't bother you".

Zayn just nodded and motioned for you to go before laying down in bed.

You made your way downstairs and looked at your three kids who were watching tv and enjoying the waffles you had made them.

"Ok kids" you start off, "daddy's not feeling well today so you have to make sure not to bother him while I'm gone, okay?".

"Is he ok?" Your 11 year old Aisha asked concerned.

"Yes Aish (nickname) he is ok" you answered.

"Ok mummy" Your 5 year old twin sons, James and Zack said.

"Aisha, will you look after them?" You asked your daughter.

"Yes mum, don't worry, they'll be fine, I'll look after dad as well" she answered you assuringly.

You smiled, you and Zayn had raised a great kid, then you headed out.

"Can we go tell daddy to get better?" Zack asked.

"Mabye not now guys, daddy probably don't want to be disturbed".

"Pweeaase" James gave his best puppy dog eyes to Aisha who couldn't resist.

"Fine, but quietly ok?".

Both twins nodded and headed upstairs and Aisha sat on the couch and turned on the tv but put it in low volume so it doesn't affect her father.

"Daddy!" Your twins yelled in unison, screaming at the sleeping Zayn.

Then they both jumped on his stomach which woke him up straight away.

"Mmsdhn no please kids don't do that" Zayn manages to mumble into the pillow before quickly picking up the kids and setting them down with the little strength he had, then sitting in the edge of the bed with his feet hanging down.

"Please don't jump on my stomach like that again" Zayn stated with his head in his hands.

"Sorry daddy" James said sadly while Zack looked like he was about to cry.

"Hey hey, it's ok sweeties, it wasn't your fault" Zayn said trying to make his sons feel better and not guilty.

"Can you play soccer with us?"

Zayn looked unsure and was about to refuse but then he said ok after seeing how sad your kids were.

He slowly made his way downstairs with the boys and met Aisha in the lounge.

"Dad! Why are you up?" She asked getting up to help him.

"I'm going to play soccer with the boys" he answered putting on his shoes.

"What! No don't do that, you're sick. I'll play with them" she offered.

"No, it's ok Aish, I'll do it" Zayn answered confidently.

"Ok then if you are sure" Aisha said, returning to the couch.

Zayn headed outside very cautiously and stood at the goal, him and James and Zack made.

Zayn couldn't block most of the goals due to the whirling in his stomach. After about 10 minutes, Zayn fell onto his knees and James and Zack rushed to his aid.

"Daddy are you ok?" James asked putting a hand on Zayn's back.

Zayn shook his head then started violently throwing up causing both boys to run inside.


Aisha ran outside with a look of fear and ran to aid her sick father.

"Boys, call mum" Aisha said handing her phone to James.

All of you kids had learned yours and Zayn's number from a young age.

"Hey kids, is everything alright?"


"Ok I'm coming"

You told your boss that you had to leave and left without an answer.

You were surprised you didn't get a speeding ticket from going too fast.

Once you got home you ran through straight to the backyard to see Zayn dry heaving, sitting in front of his own sick and Aisha rubbing his back.

"That's Aish, I got it from here" you said to you 11 year old who nodded and went back inside.

"Aww Zayn babe, you ok?" You asked helping him up once he stopped dry heaving.

He shook his head and mumbled, "can we please go to bed?".

You nodded and helped him inside.

"Kids I'll be down in a minute".

After helping Zayn into bed, you told him you'd be there after taking to the kids.

Zayn had told you what happened so now your twins needed to be talked to.

"James, Zack, why did you tell daddy to play soccer with you when he was sick?" You asked.

"Sowwy mummy" James mumbled, feeling very guilty.

"It's ok, how about you make daddy some get well soon cards?" You suggested.

"Yeah!" Zack yelled running out of the lounge with James.

"Thanks Aish, you're the best" you praised your daughter.

"I know mum" she smiled back.

You headed back up to Zayn and layed down in bed next to him and started rubbing his belly.

"That feels good, thanks babe" he said gratefully.

That's when your twins came in and gave Zayn the get well soon cards.

"Thanks boys, I love these" Zayn said smiling.

You spent the next 2 days looking after Zayn and Aisha who had caught on to Zayn's sickness. When they were better, they thanked you for taking care of them.

This was just something that came to my mind. Hope this is ok. Isn't Zayn perfect? Actually perfect doesn't even begin to describe him. No hating on Zayn! Have you guys heard? His song is going to be in the new Aladdin movie! Now I'm going to watch just to hear it.

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