Family sickness

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This one I did with ilangel1 

Liam had left for work and Kate was getting the kids up for school. 

 She had over slept so she woke  them up in a rush.

 She was helping Harry get dressed while the older two got dressed. 

Louis had woken up feeling ill but he had a games that afternoon so he couldn't miss it and he didn't say anything about it.

 He had a headache and a painful stomachache.

 Mariyah on the other hand was fine but she felt uncomfortable, she didn't know why. 

When Kate got Harry ready, she rushed downstairs with Harry to make breakfast while the kids came down one by one. 

Mariyah came down and sat on the table next to Harry. 

"Hey Haz, how are you today? Excited for school?". 

Harry grinned and nodded at his older sister. 

"Mariyah, where's Louis? The pancakes are getting cold" Kate said giving Harry and Mariyah their pancakes.

Louis was sat on the toilet upstairs to see if he could relieve his tummy cramps and he went and had slight diarrhoea. 

 When he was done he went downstairs and didn't say anything as he wanted to be at school for games as this was where they picked the team for football.

Harry picked at his food but Kate had no time to notice ad they were running really late. 

"Come on kids, we need to leave or you'll be late" she yelled as she ran towards the door. 

Mariyah and Harry followed her while Louis just trudged behind and tried to look happy. 

Once they got in the car, Louis felt even worse, his stomach turned and he hoped they would reach the school in time. 

He really needed the bathroom.

Mariyah on the other hand felt a slight headache but she thought nothing of it, because it was just a headache right? 

When they finally arrived at school, Mariyah woke up Harry who had fallen asleep which was weird, anyway she helped him out of his car seat and everyone kissed their mum goodbye. 

Louis ran towards the toilet once Kate drove off.

Mariyah took Harry to his class and then went to her own. 

 Louis sat on the toilet just in time as released into the toilet.

Kate drove to work and wasn't worried about the kids at all.

She had no idea how the kids really felt.

Louis got out of the toilet just in time for the bell to ring and class to start.

He sluggishly walked down the hallway and into class, just making it before the teacher called him name on the role.

"Louis Tomlinson?" The teacher called out.

"Here" Louis was barely audible but the teacher somehow heard.

He sat down and rubbed his stomach.

Harry was in class listening to the teacher talk about how to make sentences.

He did not feel right.

He had a stomach ache so he shifted in his seat trying to find a position that numbed the pain.

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