Zayn catches Harry's diarrhoea

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This is for ilangel1 

It was the morning after Harry's severe sickness and I had woken up feeling like absolute shit.

I had an uncomfortable stomach.

Great just great.

I shifted around in bed and opened my phone to check the time.

I squinted due to the immensely bright light but managed to see the time, 4 am.


Why did I have to be awake?

Why did I have to feel awful?


Anyway I tried getting back to sleep by finding a position in which the pain in my stomach would be numbed.

No luck.

I just gave up and sat with my feet over the edge of the bed.

I smiled looking up at Harry fast asleep in bed, thankful that he was better.

I let out a cry of pain as my stomach cramped up and that smiled turned into a pained face.

I suddenly rushed to the toilet and released everything in the toilet.

Great now I had diarrhoea.

I had caught whatever Harry had.

Cramps shot through me as I sat there on the toilet.

Now I knew how Harry felt.

Not a good experience.

Anyway, I finished up in the bathroom and headed back to bed.

I woke up again an hour later to release inside the toilet.

It was so painful and I couldn't help but let a few stray tears fall down my cheeks.

When I was done, I came out and I really wanted to wake someone up.

I ruled out Harry straight away because he had a rough night and he didn't need to take care of me, he needed rest.

I decided to call Liam and tell him, he's the best with his stuff.

"Hey Liam"

"Zayn what are you calling at 5 am in the morning?"

He sounded angry and annoyed at me for waking him up so I felt a bit guilty but I really needed someone with me.

"I'm sick, i have really bad diarrhoea"

He sighed and said, "same thing as Harry?".

I nodded but then realised he couldn't see me so I said yes.

"Can u please c- SHIT!" I was cut off by a wave of nausea and I dropped my phone and rushed to the bathroom.

I immediately started throwing up and sobbing quietly, still aware that Harry was asleep.

I stopped puking for now but I still felt horrible.

Suddenly I felt a hand on my back which scared me so I jumped back.

"Woah easy mate, it's just me!"

I sighed knowing it was just Liam.

"Don't scare me like that again!" I whisper yelled.

"Sorry, are you ok?"

I nodded, he could see me now.

"Are you done?"

I nodded, "for now".

Liam suggested that we movie Niall with me.

Niall was sharing a room with Liam while Louis had his own room.

"Niall, wake up mate" Liam softly shook Niall.

"Mmmhjdhshhs wat" Niall mumbled into his pillow, pretty annoyed to be woken up.

I know how he felt though, I hate being woken up.

"Nialler can you go sleep in Harry and Zayn's room so that Zayn can sleep here? He is sick and I'm staying with him" Liam explained.

Niall groaned but slowly got out of bed, grabbed his stuff and made his way to me and Harry's room.

Before I could lay down, my stomach lurched and I dashed towards the bathroom just making it.

Liam was with me in less that 2 seconds which I was grateful for.

I made a mental note to thanks Niall for moving.

When I was done I had to stay in there for another 20 minutes due to the diarrhoea, Liam left me to finish up.

When I was done I found Liam setting up my bed which made me smile.

I layed down in bed with Liam on the other bed.

I fell asleep and only woke up the next morning only to have to use the bathroom again.

Luckily I had Daddy Direction with me and he took care of me until I felt better which was about a day or two.

Do ya'll like the Jonas Brothers. I'm in love with them. Their new album releases on June 7th! Sooo excited. Anyway hope you guys like this one.

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