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third person

"It's you." Teddy gasped, wiping her eyes one last time and blinking away the rest of the tears which could probably come at any moment. "But you're well.. you and won't your fans be wondering where you are?"

"That doesn't matter." Daniel replied, and he moved a little closer to the girl, who was still shaking and her breathing wasn't back to normal yet. "Tyler and everyone will understand."

"Tyler?" Teddy asked, fiddling with her sleeve, her other hand still being carefully held by Daniel's, his thumb tracing patterns on the back of it. Daniel didn't seem to notice he was still doing it and so Teddy didn't say anything, finding it comforting.

"My brother. He helps on the tour and he's our road manager. He can be quite strict about stuff but he should understand. You won't spread this around will you?" Daniel asked, a wave of worry obviously washing over him as he realized what could possible be the outcome of his actions.

A simple shake of Teddy's head confirmed what he already kind of knew. "No I wouldn't. And no offense, I hadn't even really heard of your band until tonight."

"None taken." Daniel smiled, then he heard the shouts of the fans outside and sighed. "We might be in here a little longer then you might want. You should tell your friend."

"Freya really loves you guys, I'm here because of her and well I would do anything for her." Teddy replied, a tiny smile on her lips which disappeared when she glanced at the closed emergency exit door.

"I figured." Daniel shrugged, offering a smile to the girl when she looked back. "You're still shaking." He noticed, and looked around him for a second. "I know it might not be because of the cold but here, take my jacket."

Daniel slid the denim jacket off of his torso, and wrapped it around the teen next to him, ignoring her quiet protests as he helped her into it. "You don't even know my name." Teddy said, as she looked to her side, at the boy who made her night better.

"No I don't and I assume Freya told you mine." Daniel said, a half smirk playing on his lips. "But I could guess it."

"Go ahead Daniel." Teddy smiled, tilting her head as she looked at the boy with ocean eyes, confirming the fact she knew his name. "It's not really a popular name so you probably won't get it."

"I know so many people with unusual names." Daniel laughed, and Teddy looked at him expectantly, waiting for him to start guessing. "Scarlett, Kiera, Coral, Sofia."

"Not even close." Teddy said, fiddling with a button on the denim jacket, Daniel noticing this and his eyes flicking quickly up and down the girl's torso, noticing how good she looked.

"Violet. Brynn. Hm. Tatum? I got nothing I'm just naming people I know now." Daniel replied and Teddy laughed, a mellifluous sound which was sweet and calming, and Daniel found himself more and more drawn to the girl by the second. "Am I even close?"

"Nowhere near. I can give you hints or I can just tell you?" Teddy smiled, looking up at him as he tried to decide, eventually settling on the second one. "My names Teddy."

"I would never have gotten that!" Daniel pracitally shouted and Teddy burst out laughing, Daniel joining in after a second. The pair spent the next ten minutes talking and laughing, and by then Teddy has completely forgotten about the crowd and everything surrounding that.

Then, Teddy's phone rang and Daniel had to hide a smile when he heard that she had set Youth by Troye Sivan as her ringtone. Glancing at Daniel quickly before pulling out her phone, seeing it was Freya calling her. "Hey Freya." Teddy answered the phone.

"Teddy, where the actual fuck did you go?" The girl asked, sounding relieved that her friend had answered. "You practically disappeared and after I met them and got pics I realized that you were gone."

"Yeah the crowd.. it yeah." Teddy sighed and stared at the floor, crossing her ankles whilst she sat. Daniel hesitated, before doing one of the things which made her calm down before; taking her hand in his.

"But Teddy you didn't even text me! And then Daniel disappeared and no one knew where he went and it was chaos. You managed to get through the concert.. so what happened Teddy?" Freya asked and something about what she said almost made the girl cry again.

"It's ok." Daniel murmured and and Teddy nodded, leaning against Daniel a tiny bit more.

"It was the crowd Freya. I've just gone on a walk and I'll be back home whenever." Teddy sighed, biting her lip slightly as she stared at the floor. "Ok, see you then." She said, and hug up the phone.

"So I guess that means you have to go." Daniel piped up after Teddy had hung up and slid the phone into the back pocket of jeans. Teddy nodded, reluctantly getting up, and with Daniel holding her hand, he stood up as well.

"You should take your jacket." She said, letting go of Daniel's hand and starting to pull of the jacket, until Daniel stopped her.

"You should keep it. It looks better on you anyways." Daniel said, and Teddy paused, ready to protest but when she saw his face, she reconsidered and pulled the jacket back over her shoulders.

"Thank you, seriously." Teddy said, as she moved away from Daniel and back towards the fire exit. "I'll probably never see you again but I do owe you a favour."

"How about you give me that favour now?" Daniel said, and pulled out his phone, unlocking it, opening Instagram and passing it to her. "Let me follow you."

"But you deserve so much more then that. I almost had a full on panic attack and you stopped that and helped me." Teddy said, typing in her username and following it.

As he got his phone back, and slid it into his pocket, Daniel smiled, shrugging. "You don't owe me anything. But maybe we could meet up when I get back here after tour."

"I'd like that." Teddy smiled, and walked away from Daniel, sliding a hand into one of the pockets, the other hand on the handle of the fire exit. "See you around Daniel."

And just like that, Teddy was gone.


i gave it such a cliche
ending but i might
double update idk yet

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