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teddys pov

Daniel Seavey and I kissed at the top of the Ferris wheel at the fair yesterday afternoon.

It's now the day after, and I'm sat in one of the red velvet seats in front of the stage, and I can still feel the tingles.

If there were a crowd surrounding me, the tingles would be more out of fear, but considering I'm watching the boys do their soundcheck, I'm sat pretty much all alone.

I scroll through my Instagram, not really paying any attention to the boys, just listening and glancing up every so often. But then I see a post which makes my stomach turn and tears want to appear. I decide to switch my phone off and watch the boys, for a while, as they mess around and sing on the stage, for no one but me.

"And we have Miss Teddyyyyy." Jack shouts, pointing his phone at me and I smile shyly, before her redirects his attention at someone else. I have only been on this tour and couple of days but I know how busy it can be and that the boys generally don't care whether or not the fans find out I'm on tour with them. And so they've been putting me in their Instagram stories and of course my tags have been blowing up, but seeing as I don't go on social media too much, it doesn't bother me.

I just sit there for a while and watch them, moving in my seat every so often until I get bored and thirsty. I get up and walk out of the room, walking down the corridor to the green room, surprised when I hear footsteps behind me.

I look back as I walk, and I'm surprised to see Daniel, who quickly catches up and slides his hand in mine, smiling down at me. "Where ya going?" He asks and I smile as we continue walking.

"I was bored and thirsty so I thought I would get some apple juice and snacks form the green room." I reply, speeding slightly and pulling Daniel along with me, who chuckled.

We reached the green room pretty quickly, only to find it empty of people, yet filled with food and drink. I grab some apple juice and pass one to Daniel and sit down on one of then couches with my own.

"So are we going to talk about it?" Daniel asked suddenly, and I look up, knowing exactly what he was talking about. "You know... the kiss." He whispers, glancing over at the door despite it being shut.

"We probably should." I say, sighing as Daniel sits next to me, and I cross my legs under me, turning more towards him.

"I like you. A lot." Daniel says first, and I can't help but blush slightly and feel the tingles in my stomach again. "And I know I should have asked you out on a date first before kissing you on top of a Ferris wheel-" Daniel starts rambling until I cut him off.

"It's ok that you didn't take me on a date. It was perfect." I tell him and he can't help but smile. I giggle and look at him, tilting my head slightly. "And I like you a lot too."

"So what should we do about it?" Daniel asks, taking another one of my hands again, and I fiddle with one of his rings. "I want to take you out on a date.. but with tour and everything."

"Daniel I'm spending literally 24 hours of a day with you. You don't have to take me on a date until we're back in LA." I tell him and he nods, glancing at the door once more.

"Yeah ok... but what about everyone. You obviously won't want to tell the fans and.." Daniel rambles again and I decide there's pretty much only one way to shut him up.

I lean forward and kiss him gently on the lips, smiling into it as he realises what's happening and kisses back.

I pull away and look at him, only to find him blushing and smiling once more. "I think we should keep it private for a while. See how it goes, and if it goes well and then we start to tell people. Our family and friends, but keep it a secret from everyone else."

"You're so beautiful." Daniel murmurs, and when I look over him he's smiling and gazing at me. "And I think your plan is perfect. Just like you."

I smile and peck him gently on the lips before getting up. "You're cute." I tell him and take his hand as we walk towards the closed door of the green room. "We should go back to everyone before they start to wondering where we've gone."

Daniel nods, and we walk hand in had until we turn the corner, into a corridor in which people could see us, then we let go of each other's hands and acted as if what happened in the green room never happened.


y'all mad at me
for making them kiss
at the top of the Ferris
wheel but it was cute
and I loved it

𝗳𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘀𝗶𝘇𝗲, daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now