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teddys pov

This is the first time in years I'm back in New York, back in my home state, my home town. Although New York is nowhere near a town, it's way too big.

But for the first time since the crash, I'm in New York and I not anxious, or have the weird, weighted down feeling in my chest. I'm maybe at my happiest right now, despite the whole Freya situation.

But I have Daniel by my side and that's all that matter, when it comes to that situation. I don't need someone who flips like that in my life. I prefer to have positive people in my life, and Freya seemed so jealous of my position that I think it might even be good that we had that fight.

Me and Daniel have just finished our pizza, and had left Fluffies hand in hand, smiles on our faces after our midnight date. Almost all thoughts of the nightmare are out of my mind.

"So what did you think of the pizza?" Daniel asked, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and pulling me closer as we walk back to the bus in the early early morning cold.

"It was really good." I smile and cuddle up to him slightly. "I honestly can't believe I lived here for most of my life and I had never been there."

"I love it there, everyone is so nice and it's also twenty four hours which is good and I was there with you which makes it a hundred times better." Daniel places a gently kiss on my cheek, the type which left butterflies in my stomach and a blush on my cheeks which you can see under the street lights.

"Thank you for taking me. It was a perfect first date." Instead if kissing his cheek I stop walking, and of course he does as well. And in that moment of hesitation from him, I stand on my tiptoes and kiss him gently on the lips, my hands on his shoulders for balance.

After I kiss him I can see the smile grown on his face, the smile which makes me smile even more. "It's really going to suck not being able to be like this around the boys." Daniel sighs, as we start walking.

"I know." I reply, intertwining our fingers as we turned a corner to the where the bus was parked. "But it's for the best."

"Yeah, it's for a good reason." Daniel agreed. "And we should wait a bit longer before telling anyone, we have only just been on our first date. It sucks that I can't hold you properly in my arms, or kiss you and compliment you without getting some comment from anyone."

When I look over at Daniel, I realise he looks a little sad about the situation and I feel the ball of worry appear in my chest, the one which I feel when I feel as if I've made a wrong decision, even if it truly is the right decision.

"We can sneak around, like the day after our first kiss." I say, a sort of desperate attempt to convince myself that the doubt in my stomach is wrong. "Everything will be just fine."

"Ok, but can you promise me you'll wear that hoodie more often?" Daniel eventually said, as we got to the bus doors.

I glance down, giggling when I see I'm wearing his tour hoodie. I agree to what he's saying, then Daniel opens the door to the bus, taking my hand and helping me in, only to freeze when we get to the top of the stairs.

"Where have you two been?" The voice of Jonah says, and I look over to see the whole band, plus Tyler, Eben and Zack looking at us.  I gulp, and carefully pulling my hand out of Daniel's, letting it fall by myself.

I can't deal with this now, so I step forward. "Well if you don't mind me missing this whole interrogation thing going on, I'm going to bed." I say, and make my way past everyone. "Thank you Daniel, for tonight and I hope everyone else has a good night."

And with that, I pull of my shoes, put them next to my bunk, get in and close the curtains, with everyone watching me.


dang teddy
ok I'm gonna go
sleep now

𝗳𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘀𝗶𝘇𝗲, daniel seaveyWhere stories live. Discover now