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As soon as Teddy and Daniel saw Corbyn, they were sat in a state of shock for around half a minute before one of them broke out of it.

Teddy jumped up out of her seat and pulled Corbyn out of the doorway, into the room and sliding the door shut behind her and leaning on it, before going back to sit next to Daniel.

"So you two have a thing? Just like we've said all along and you guys just denied it?" Corbyn asked, looking between Daniel and Teddy, Daniel wrapping his arm loosely around Teddy's waist.

"Well considering what you just saw, what would you think?" Daniel replied, resisting he urge to roll his eyes at the faux blonde in front of him.

"You can't tell anyone Corbyn." Teddy started, folding her hands in her lap. "You are the first person to know about this because we've been trying to keep it private and see how it goes."

"But why? You guys were obviously really good friends and then you ended up in this relationship, you guys are good together, why won't you tell at least family and friends?" Corbyn said, a confused expression on his face as he looked between the two people.

"My anxiety. My now ex best friend. Your fans." Teddy mumbled, shrugging as she tried not to draw attention to what she had just said.

"Yeah, you know how the fans are and were with Tate and Gabbie. Corbyn, even Christina receives hate sometimes and you guys have been dating since before the band. I don't want Teddy to have to face that if she's not ready or even wants them to know." Daniel defended and Teddy lent her head on his shoulder.

"I don't feel like everyone should be concerned or even know about our relationship at all yet. Yes we were great friends and that obviously became something more, but we deserve a little privacy. Plus we're not even boyfriend and girlfriend yet." Teddy sighed, fiddling with the rings upon Daniel's hand.

Daniel glanced at Corbyn, to see him leant back against the couch, obviously thinking about what they had just said. All of it was true, and Daniel so desperately wanted to change so many of the statements, especially the last one, he just didn't know how.

"Just please don't tell anyone Corbyn, let us see if it works out. Then we'll start to tell people. Family primarily, which includes you and the guys, the friends, like Angi and Zack, management and other people like your guys' family. If all that goes well then we could eventually tell the fans. But not yet." Daniel said, carefully planning out the words in his head before speaking them.

"Promise me you won't tell?" Teddy asked, then glanced at Daniel and corrected her statement, seeing the smile which was upon Daniels face as he gazed at her. "Promise us?"

"Yeah of course, for however long you guys need. I can keep it a secret." Corbyn promised, looking between Teddy and Daniel before standing up and about to leave the room, until Daniel stopped him.

"Teddy could I just talk to Corbyn? You know.. alone?" Daniel asked and Teddy immediately nodded, getting up, placing a kiss on Daniels cheek and leaving the room, sliding the door closed behind her.

"So what's up Daniel?" Corbyn asked, looking back at Daniel after having watched Teddy leave the room. "If it's about telling people I haven't told peoples secrets from the 8th grade, I've kept them all this time. You can trust me, I promised."

"Well.." Daniel sighed, staring at the door which Teddy had just walked out of. "I'm almost glad you found out because I need some advice."

"Ask away bro, I'm great at relationship stuff." Corbyn said, an encouraging look on his face.

"How should I ask Teddy to be my girlfriend?" Daniel asked, finally tearing his eyes away and looking at the blonde next to him, a questioning look on his face.


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