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third person

Teddy looked at her phone confused, Daniel had just sent her a text to meet him outside the bus. It was late afternoon, and her and Daniel had just spent the day chilling with the other boys and occasionally together.

When Daniel had rolled out of Teddy's bunk, where they secretly had been cuddling, to go and get some apple juice, Teddy had expected him to be back quite soon afterwards, but it was now fifteen minutes later.

Considering she was now confused, both about the text and Daniel's whereabouts, Teddy unwrapped herself from the blanket she had pulled around her body, pulling a sweater over the thin top she had been wearing on the extremely warm bus.

She slipped out unnoticed, looking up and down the street, trying to spot the blue-eyed boy. Teddy spotted him, quite a way from the bus, and walked quickly towards him, noticing he had a couple of bags in his hands.

"We are going on a date. No interruptions, no way for any of my band mates to catch us. Just me and you. You down?" Daniel asked, a glint in his blue eyes as he smiled down at Teddy.

"I'm down." Teddy instantly agreed, a grin growing on her face as she studied the face of the boy she was looking up at, trying to figure out anything about the date.

"Well I'm so glad you said yes." Daniel said, pausing to put both the bags he was carrying on one hand and taking Teddy's hand in his. "Because I have some very special plans after we get in this Uber."

And with that, Daniel pulled Teddy into the backseat of an awaiting Uber, the driving setting off as soon as the car door had been slammed shut after Teddy had gotten in.

Leaning her head on Daniel's shoulder, Teddy watched out the window as the city flew past them in a blur, or rather the car drove past the tall buildings and through the traffic so quick that soon enough they were in the outskirts of the city.

Daniel traces circles on the palm of Teddy's hand, which he was still holding with a less than tight grip. Whilst Teddy's thoughts were focused based primarily on the outside and listening to the music which their Uber driver had put on, Daniel's were completely different.

Daniel was nervous, but also excited about what he was planning to do in the next couple of hours with the girl he knew he was falling, or had fallen  in love with. With several plans awaiting them, Daniel became more fidgety in his seat and prayed that Teddy wouldn't notice, and she somehow didn't.

They arrived at their desired destination a few minutes before Daniel had planned, but that worked just as well as any other time. He left Teddy stood gazing around at the yard they had been dropped off in, whilst he went and got the first part to his several-part plan.

Teddy swivelled around in the gravel as Daniel returned, driving a car which was almost a clone of the one which Daniel has driven in the bands music video for Trust Fund Baby, Teddy knowing this after a couple of hours stalking the boys when she first met Daniel and listening to their music.

"Oh my god Daniel!" Teddy exclaimed as Daniel stopped the car next to her and opening the passenger seat door for her. "Is m
this what you planned, because wow you didn't have to do this."

"Yes I did, and there's still more to come." Daniel said, starting up the car ice more and starting to drive, following a small map he had and had partially memorised the night before. They were soon driving down a long straight road, nature surrounding them and not an ounce of anything which remotely resembled to city.

Carefully, Teddy unbuckled her belt, reaching a certain height so that her head and part of her torso was above the windshield, holding onto the frame surrounding it.

She let out a brief spurt of laughter, completely overcome by the stage of exhilaration she was feeling. Daniel glanced up at her, smiling once he saw her smile, her hair flowing out behind her as they drove.

With Teddy eventually safely back in her seat, Daniel could drive a little faster to reach their final destination, and Teddy was still confused at this point.

Upon arriving at the destination, where a part of the road dipped off from the rest and ended up at the bottom of a small hill. Daniel got out the car, going around to Teddy's side of the car, opening the car door for her, smiling once she kissed his cheek in a way of thanks.

"Come on." Daniel said, after locking the car, grabbing the bags and holding out his free hand for Teddy to take.

She happily did, holding his hand in hers as they made their way up the hill, both unaware of how events would play out.


gonna be
split up into
a couple of

𝗳𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮𝘀𝗶𝘇𝗲, daniel seaveyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin