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third person

Daniel finally gave in and let Teddy come with them for the last day of Coachella, having spent the rest of the previous day inside the villa with her. The day went by pretty quickly and after sleeping in the villa for one last night, they were about to start the drive back to LA.

Angi and Tate were sat with Teddy, each with a arm wrapped around her shoulders. They were watching  Daniel, Jonah and Eben load up the car, drinking the smoothies that they had made together that morning.

Teddy was wearing her favourite outfit which she had brought to Coachella - but hadn't ended up wearing due to missing the second day.

The outfit consisted of a beige high waist bikini bottoms, which a matching bralette top. Over it were a mesh shorts and crop top combo, which had pink and blue flowers embroidered over them.

As the three girls waited, Tate managed to weave flowers into the two braids which circled the top of Teddy's head, and now in return Teddy was using face paint and glitter to decorate Tate and Angi's arms and face.

"You three look like you're about to start the weekend again." Daniel commented as he walked over, leaving Jonah and Eben to try and fit the last suitcase in the trunk. "You don't mind if I borrow little miss artist over here?"

Teddy, who had been ignoring her boyfriend and instead focusing on the the purple flower that was upon Angi's arm, finally looked up. Smiling and finishing the flower with a dab of glitter, Teddy stood up.

"So what's up?" Teddy asked, walking into the villa hand in hand with Daniel, doing the final check of the place just in case they left anything behind.

"Well it's two things." Daniel started, checking the kitchen. "Number one is more important so here we go. I know you don't know Gabbie extremely well, and you've only met her a couple of times but whilst we were here she gave birth. And you're close with Jack and he says that Gabbie wants to get to know you because you're friends with Tate and Christina, Gabbie was wondering if you wanted to come to the hospital with me when we get back to LA to visit baby Lavender."

"I would love to!" Teddy almost squealed, basically jumping up and down out of excitement. "Lavender is such a pretty name as well. I can't wait now oh my gosh let's go."

"Teddy." Daniel said, as the girl bounced around the room. "Teddy bear." He repeated, and Teddy stopped, looking over at him.

"Oh right the second thing." She said, bouncing over to where Daniel was and sitting on the counter. "Plus it's not like I can teleport to LA or anything.."

"Ok so the second thing. Well I was wondering if you wanted to stay at my place for a bit, when we get back to LA." Daniel asked, biting his lip nervously as he waited to see Teddy's reaction. "Of course it's not only me who wants you there and you need to be properly introduced to my parents because I fucked it up last time and-"

Daniel was cut off by a gentle kiss being placed on his lips. "First of all, you were ranting. Second, you don't need to reintroduce me to your parents."

"But last time I messed up and introduced you as my best friend. And then my dad asked you about your mom and then-" Daniel rambled and was once again cut off.

One of Teddy's fingers was placed on his lips, silencing him as the blue eyed boy looked up at his girlfriend. "Third of all, I would love to stay with you when we get back to LA."

"Oh thank god I thought you were gonna say no." Daniel let out a deep breath, a smile now appearing on his handsome features.

"Daniel I love you, and you love me - what did you think I was going to say? No?" Teddy giggled, placing a kiss on his cheek and jumping off the counter, just as Angi walked in.

"Alright, you two are cute and in love and everything but we need to set off now." She said, a small smirk playing on her lips. Tate has seemingly finished the flower design and had done a very good job of it.

"Shush." Teddy giggled, grabbing Daniels hand and dragging him towards his best friend. "We just need to quickly finish the check of the house."

"You haven't done it yet?" Angi asked, looking between the couple. "But you've been in here ages."

"We had some important stuff to talk about." Daniel smiles, and Angi watched as he looked down at Teddy, his eyes filled with love for the girl.

"I'll tell the others they can set off. Me and Eben will wait for you guys." Angi said, and just as she was about to leave, she grabbed Daniel and whispered something in his ear, before walking away.

"What was that about?" Teddy asked, confusion apparent as she waited for Daniel to catch up with her, and he walked towards her smiling down at the floor.

"She was telling me how whipped I am. And that I was a very lucky guy for having you, Teddy bear." Daniel replied, slipping his hand into Teddy's and walking upstairs with her, ready to finish the check and leave Coachella.



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