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» conversation

teddy montgomery
unknown number


hey it's teddy

yeah, and if you
don't mind me asking
who is this?

oh it's Anna,
Daniel's sister? He said
he would mention
something to you?

'teddy🌺 changed *unknown to *anna🌷*'

oh is this about
the denim jacket
thing? Me coming to
pick some up or

Yeah I wasn't sure
how many he wanted/
you need so I got
like 3

I would only need
one but I could always
do another

well he said you were
really good friends and
I thought maybe you could
paint one for like a birthday

yeah his birthday is
pretty soon right?

April 2nd
so is that a yes?
you'll use one of
the others for his

yeah I will
so how will get
the jackets

we could meet
up at this really
cute cafe I know?
Oh and just a quick

sure just tell me
which cafe and
go ahead

Is it ok if I bring one
of my jackets as well?
Daniel showed me some
of your instagram posts
and I just think they're
really beautiful designs

sure I would love to
bring whatever you want,
I love making them

thank you so much!
Daniel's said you were
really nice and sweet
and I agree! the cafe
is called Dinosaur Coffee
on Sunset Blvd

oh I love that place,
see you there at
around 2?

see you then
and my instagram is
@anna.seavey just
so you know what
I look like


third person

"Freya I'm just meeting up with someone at the cafe so I might get to yours a little bit later." Teddy said, as soon as Freya picked up the phone.

"Who and why?" Freya asked, surprise in her tone. "Are you going on a date? What about Daniel though?" Teddy sighed, grabbing her sketchbook of designs and putting them in her backpack, walking out of her apartment before answering.

"Ok first, you sound like a mom, second I'm not going on a date and Daniel is my friend. But it kinda has something to do with Daniel. I'm meeting up with his sister to pick up a couple of denim jackets - I'm going to paint them." Teddy locked the door to her home and then started to walk down the many stairs.

"You're meeting up with Anna? I let you out of my sight for one minute at a concert and now you're meeting up with his sister?" Freya gasps and Teddy picks up her pace and finally gets to the bottom of the stairs.

"Well me and Daniel were talking and he asked whether I still did the clothing requests and considering I do, I said yes. So now I'm going to pick up some jackets from Anna and I'm going ro talk to Anna about the design of hers." Teddy explained, as she quickly walked to her Uber, getting in and giving him the address.

"So you're basically becoming the Seavey family jacket painter." Freya said, and Teddy knew she was shrugging on the other side of the phone.

"That's over exaggerating. I've got to go Freya, I'll be at yours in a hour or two." And with that, Teddy hung up. The Uber drive was pretty short after that, and Teddy was dropped off at her location.

Anna arrived at the cafe before the teen, and she was happy to find the blonde sitting in her favourite seat. They exchanged the first awkward hellos and then seemed to hit it off, becoming  friends instantly.

They talked about the designs of Daniel's two jackets for around twenty minutes, flicking through Teddy's sketchbook before moving onto the design which could be used for the jacket Anna had asked Teddy to do.

"Can I just ask how you met my brother exactly?" Anna asked, sipping on her drink. "He just said you met and became friends pretty quickly. I'm just curious, because my brother really seems to like you and it can take a little while for him to open up to some people."

"It's fine." Teddy got out,  the cogs in her brain turning rapidly to try and come up with something. But she didn't really need to lie, she just had to hide the details. "After one of his concerts, well the LA one obviously."

"Oh wow, you must have a pretty good connection then." Anna smiled and continued to to look through the designs. "I really like this one." Anna pointed out a design and Teddy nodded, pulling out a little notebook and writing down the page number and design.

"I'll probably work on it after Daniel's, if that's ok? His birthdays pretty near that's all." Teddy replied and Anna nodded, pointing out another design and Teddy once more noted it down, also noting down the Daniel designs after.

After finishing their drinks and going through the designs, the pair parted ways. Teddy got a Uber to Freya's apartment, and Anna returned to her own, also by Uber. The brunette telling her friend how nice the girl was, and the blonde telling her brother all the amazing things about the other.

At that moment, Teddy didn't have a problem in the world other than the fact she had no idea when she would give Daniel his present.

But little did she know, that would be sorted pretty soon.


ugh i did nothing
today im such a lazy
shit but anyways
double update?

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